Ixen The All-War
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The All-War

Military action


The All-War was a devastating war the broke out when Orcs began to invade the universe and begin to destroy it.

In 6572, an army of billions of orcs had amassed and were preparing for war, in their home world Drull and the surrounding ones. They had always lusted for war and destruction, it was in their blood. And so they began to plan an attack on all the worlds, to spread outwards, and to control the universe.   They did what they had planned. Countless worlds were controlled and conquered by the orcs, and they continued to spread outward, recruiting more to their cause - those who wouldn’t be accepted anywhere else, or just people who joined due to sheer fear. Then, in 6579, the major worlds began to realise how threatening this army would be. They amassed a militia to crush this evil, across several different battles and a long, hard campaign. One of the most well-known of these is the great Morfan of Lihiri.   It was a vicious onslaught, and although the orcs were defeated and pushed back to their home, billions died. The leaders of the worlds were extremely shocked by the result - an army from just one world, conquering a large portion of the known worlds - they knew it could never happen again.

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