Clarissa Zoeller Character in Ivaenlis of the Broken Triad | World Anvil
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Clarissa Zoeller

Clarissa Zoeller

An elegant young woman, seduced by Aire via the use of enchantment magic. She stayed with the elf at the Inns and Outs, in Vog Thurum, before being shipped to a brothel in Koghollow.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A haughty, yet elegant, slim figure. Has a fatigued look on her, but this does not prevent her from having a chic and stylish posture.

Body Features

Smooth and pale skin.

Identifying Characteristics

Her otherwise perfect face is marred by a small birthmark located under her left eye.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a long, nearly transparent white tunic under a long velvet coat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After meeting Aire, Clarissa has traveled from Novaria to Vog Thurum, enjoying a loving relationship with the elf.   When her boyfriend was taken into custody by the Blackguard for conspiring with Darklings, Clarissa posted a job offering at the Inns and Outs's bounty board, hoping to find a group willing to prove Aire's innocence.   It was later revealed that Clarissa was put under the effect of an enchantment spell by Aire, before being sold into a brothel by the Obsidians.


Contacts & Relations

Girlfriend to Aire, a wandering performer.
Current Location
Year of Birth
828 af 18 Years old
Ivory, Small
Redhead, Wavy, Wild, Long
Known Languages

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