Greorvorrer Character in Isle of Myst | World Anvil
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A silver dragon that typically takes the polymorph form of a unisex humanoid. Currently dead yet held in stasis the guild has promised to help resurrect him

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • He is able to grant those who assist him small magical tattoos which make them impervious to the environmental cold of the frost fell

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Little is known about his origin all we know is that he is practically native to the elemental plane of ice
  • We know that he granted many draconic creatures that entered the plane of ice with balloons that allow them to endure the cold with a little issue
  • We know that he granted many draconic creatures that entered the plane of ice with balloons that allow them to endure the cold with a little issue
  • We know that thanks to this a small colony of Dragon born and Kobolds formed around him
  • We were aware that at some stage he became deathly sick with some form of plague. However so sure of his own survival he decided to play a game with death, taking the only spelling component that would enable his survival and giving it to a group of guild adventurers, to see if they would bring it to him
  • The guild however failed, unable to return the crystal to him in time he unfortunately perished
  • However he had prepared for this eventuality creating a spell that held his soul in stasis upon his death enabling him to be resurrected if the correct components are gathered.
  • The only way to visit him is to kill yourself through a very specific magical ritual, if this is done you will be taken to his Demi plane and can speak with him. You will then be resurrected upon return.
  • The guild has gone to see him once before and promised to return him to life

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Extremely intelligent
  • Calm
  • Zen
  • Playful
  • Boastful



Known NPC

Towards Krakenfall



Known Guild

Towards Greorvorrer


Chaotic Good
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
He was killed when he gave the adventurers a special task to return a question to him that would save his life we failed to do so. He is now held in some form of stasis halfway between life and death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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