The Phantom Tower Building / Landmark in Isildur | World Anvil
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The Phantom Tower

The Phantom tower is one of several lost academies to magic that were constructed throughout the world after the fall of the gods. This was because the old academies of magic were run by godly avatars and now with a war that raged between them no one could teach magic. The Phantom Tower was one of the longest surviving academy's however it was destroyed by the demon invasion. Now the area around the phantom tower holds several monsters created by the planar energies in the area which have also torn the ether of magic to bits making the area full of wild magic and an Arcane Blight has been set in the area causing those that stay too long to become Nothics which are the most numerous creatures along with living spells and other creatures of the Far Realm

Purpose / Function

The Phantom tower was originally constructed to be an academy for mages in the shattered sea. The mages that came here would eventually all die.


The main alteration is the destruction of the hole academy when it was almost razed to the ground by demons however the larges alteration is the salt lake which 1/3 of the academy fell into it, remaining at the bottom. With the appearance of the lake, several ships did as well their ruins lying shattered in the academy.


The Phantom tower where three structures surrounded by large ground enclosed by a lead fence made to look like iron. The three structures were three stories tall each with the bottom floor being dormitories for students and the upper floor dedicated to learning magic. So were the grounds which had nine greenhouses that held several magical herbs often dangerous, these plants have now come to infest the ground but can't grow past the fence.   In the middle of the academy rises the Phantom tower where the teachers would reside. The tower has thirteen floors each dedicated to a magical school. This tower is made of stone and has the ability to shift into the ethereal plane. The tower is made of stone and so are the buildings around it.


The Phantom Tower was made by a mage named Etrail Starclock. He constructed the academy while the god wars raged and were one of the greatest mages of Isildur specialising in evocation magic. After his death, the next in line took over as principal of the School teaching mages throughout Isildur. However, during the demon invasion Alistor, the conjurer of the school opened a portal which the students could flee from the horde of demons. This backfired when a sibriex caused the portal to open to the Far Realm that made Alistor go insane. The following explosion of magical energy destroyed the weave in the academy stopped only by the lead fence. The students ended up going in through the portal. Alistor then closed it and let the demons through which almost razed the school to the ground.     The Elder Evils would again open a portal for the mage students to go back to the material plane however they were changed. Coming out most of them were horribly deformed and turned into notichs somewhere chulls or other creatures from the Far Realm. Now they reside in the ruins of the old academy. There have however been rumours for years that something dwells up on the top floor of the Phantom tower perhaps it is Alistor or some other horrible abomination but it seems to control the other monsters.


A few adventurers come here looking for treasure since this had the most gifted mages of the continent. The Phantom Tower is also near the road that leads to the market so many see it when travailing to it.
376 E.F
Founding Date
372 A.G.F
College / Academy
Parent Location

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