Netherville Settlement in Isildur | World Anvil
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Netherville is a very small town on the west coast of the Winter Lands. 50 years ago it was destroyed when abortions and undead came from the mountains and destroyed many things. Only the docks and the shipyards survived. The town is now filled with thieves guilds and drug traders whing for control. The mayor of the town is a figure known as the Dreamer he is a drug kingpin how supplies Isildur with Dream leaves and other nasty chemicals, while he has many strongholds across Isildur it is whispered that Netherville is his base of operations for its remoteness and proximity to the drug rute.


There are no Tourteles, Dragonborn, or Undying in the Town. Shifters, elves, and Half-Elves are a rare sight in the Town. The other races are quite common.


The Town has a figure known as the Dremer among townsfolk. He never shows his face and holds all the power by controlling the Drug trade through the town.


There is no defense other than what the people of the town can accomplish.

Industry & Trade

Wery little industry is in the town, and the little there is what is essential. Trade is a different matter for Netherville has a monopoly on the transport of drugs especially Dream Leaves. The ships that transport these strange drugs run through Netherville and are either moved over by land or are shipped on to Isildurien ships and sailed onwards, of course, there is a payment to be made.


Most of the Town has been destroyed especially the edges of it. Only the docks and the shipyard survived and here the thieves guilds and the drug traders work. The common folk live in the Sewers/Catacombs beneath the Town.


Dough to its remoteness Netherville doesn't get as many supplies. Triple the price for anything bought in Netherville.

Guilds and Factions

Only thieves guilds operate within the city supplying and feeding the drug trade that runs through it.


The building of Netherville started as a project to help the Winter Lands recover from the demon invasion in 350 E.F. grew into the sprawling town of Netherville but then the Necromancer Odera destroyed most of the town for this is where the necromancer was finally defeated. Her undead army scattered and with the help of the Archmage how duelled Odera (and a dragon's hoard) they imprisoned her deep within the frozen pecks and her undead army with her. But the town became too greedy for they dug into the mountains more and more, deeper and deeper until they found the Gate.   They called it the Gate of the ancients and its location has been lost in the destruction of what happened next. Because the Gate opened and out of it horrors as if the world had never seen before came pouring out. Eventually, the gate and the cave were sealed but the adventurers how did it died in the process. The monster and the remains of Oderas undead army almost reduced the town to ashes but that was not to be though most townsfolk died and the Towns defences destroyed.


No one in their right mind travels the Winter Land as a tourist except if you are an adventurer wich sometimes comes to Netherville and other than the merchants that come here to buy what little the townsfolk can produce.


The outer edges of the Town are in ruins, many houses burned or frozen solid. The buildings that stand above ground are rickety and it looks like a strong breeze can blow them over, these buildings are mostly used for trading. What is left of the Town hides in the Sewer/Catacombs which is found in most settlements that are larger than a village, or were larger than a village.


Netterville is on the edge of the coast surrounded to the east by the frozen pecks and to the south by the Forrest of Ice and Snow. Only to the north can one get to the town and even that is not enough for most merchants to risk it, instead of going by sea.

Natural Resources

Before the Town fell into ruin it exported large amounts of ore from The Frozen pecks and exported them for gold and money but after the attack of the undead horde was driven out of the village it disappeared up into the mountains again. But now the Undead have returned after the mayor got too greedy.

63 A.D.I

Founding Date
387 E.F.
Trade post
Inhabitant Demonym
Human, Haflings, Elves, Half Orcs, Gnomes, Shifters, Tourteles, Half Elves and Dargonborn, Undying.
Location under
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