Baba Rank/Title in Isildur | World Anvil
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The Title of Baba is given to Hags and those how hold the title exist outside of the hag hierarchy. The title of Baba is held in high regard and commands respect from other hags. Only a few hags have been able to claim the title of Baba, the first mention of this title was the hag known as Baba Yaga, she terrorized the multiverse with her power she was finally banished and trapped in a Dark Domain in the shadowfell where she still resides.   Over the centuries only a handful of hags have claimed the title of Baba all in all 13 hags have claimed the title the three most famous being Baba Yaga, Baba Lysaga and, Baba Vrisaga. These hags have terrorized the world for centuries but are all trapped in their own Dark Domain in the Shadowfell. Currently only four hags with the title of Baba are free to roam the mortal world.


To even attempt the trial you must be a spell-caster of the seventh circle or higher and must have a lair and multiple magical items. She must have performed nine powerful curses and furthered the goal of her coven. She must also be 600 years or older and have dealt with extraplanear creatures as well as adventurers on the mortal realm, and finally she must have complete authority over a village or a town.


Only Hags are given this title though all fay are capable of gaining the power of this title Hags jealously guard the rituals secrets and no fay has ever become a Baba. Night Hags make the beast Babas and most of them that exist today are Night Hags some are Green Hags and one is a Annis Hag.


Hags are raised to this rank using a magical ritual which takes a moon cycle to finish. The ritual must be performed on a nexus point were at least four lay lines intersect, the more lay lines the better. If the hag is part of a coven the two weaker members are killed and their souls are used to draw in more magical energy for the chosen hag to consume. The ritual starts at midnight on the Winter solstice and lasts until the next full moon. At the beginning of the ritual the hag must bring fourth a hearthstone which she has fashion for herself and owned for 200 years. The stone is placed on the lay-line and her coven drain their souls into the stone, how they do this is unknown. The stone then becomes sentient and can exert its will over a hags lair. This part of the ritual can be done anytime but the stone must be placed in the hags lair before the full moon rises.   The hag chosen for the ritual must complete a spell on the winter solstice that will but her in a state suspended animation. Her followers must all complete a ritual where they bathe in blood from their slaughterer kin and willingly submit their souls to the hag fully aware of the consciences that implies. The hag then absorbs the souls and uses the power of the lay lines to turn the souls to magical abilities the hag gains, at lest 13 mortals must give up their souls for the hag and the absorption of the souls can take many weeks during which the hag is helpless and unable to defend herself.   The final part of the ritual is extremely secret and the only things we know about the hag is that on the night of the next full moon and the hag has absorbed all the souls she wakes up and her lair rises from the ground, a hag grandmother awaits the hag with a potion the hag must drink. The ingredients of the potion change from hag to hag, one might require a dragon heart string another a powdered unicorn horn dipped in the blood of a innocent. After the hag has drunk the potion the ritual will be finished and the hag now bears the title of Baba, it is unknown if the potion has any effect or if it is just a commodity.


The duties dont change much after the ritual that gives the hag this title for they still spread evil and chaos though now they work to better all hags and to increase their power on the material plane.


The same as other hags.


Many powers the hag gets are special to the hag and only that one hag, the following powers are something all hags get. A hag how has this title is outside of the normal hag hierarchy and gains immense respect. Their lives are also extended just like a druid, they gain the ability to see into the ethereal plane and, they can command lesser yugaloths by excreting their will on to them. They also get tremendous magical power.

Accoutrements & Equipment

All how claim the title of Baba are given a house on chicken legs and it is not unheard of that the hag with this title takes over a large area. They also might have several children how they do not form covens with but rather use as spies, assassins and, lords of the hags territory.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A hag can have her title removed if she is to weak and is killed by a challenger whether openly or secretively. If the hag makes a coven she also loses this title.
Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Baba and then the name of the hag these hag names often end in saga or yaga and many a hag changes her name to better suit her role.
Alternative Naming
Humanoids collectively refer to Babas as the dark ones or the thirteen and hags sometimes use these names as well.
Equates to
Those how have the name Baba are Archmages of hags, they can be as powerful as Grandmothers and no other title quite like it exists.
Source of Authority
The respect of this title comes from a hags own power and reputation.
Length of Term
Their can only be 13 hags how bear the name Baba. One can lay claim on the title of Baba only when another of the 13 hags how hold the title die.
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