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The Dream Serpent

Deep from the earth came its sound. A power beyond the gods, a creation of destruction. Folly was the lure, and the prey was weak. The earth trembled, and it arose in all its glory. A gaping maw, as vast as the sky Chaos reigned, the beast lunged. The city was gone, all that was left was barren. Duty done, order restored. The legend breeched once more and disappeared beneath the waves of time.
  Excerpt from the destruction of the Flying city of Dornath


The Dream serpent is a beast from the beginning of Ishtar, brought into existence by a god who wished for a tool for punishment as well as preservation. It is said to be present at times of calamity, waking from its dreamless sleep to enact its' masters bidding. Empires lay in perpetual ruin inside of it, testaments to folly and an ever present reminder of the past.   It is said that when a calamity of some kind is eminent, the beast is roused and will make its way to said event. There is will add to the disaster, able to travel through solid stone and seemingly able to eat any thing in its path. When it arrives at the event it will open its mouth and swallow the event seemingly whole, taking any trace of civilization with it and leaving survivors to tell the tale. Who it spares seems to be almost random, with whole populations being spared while other times there is but a single survivor. All that is left is memory to be passed on along the ages. It is never the cause of a catastrophe, only the end.

Historical Basis

There are many account of the Dream Serpent scattered throughout history. Often its is only referenced as a possible end of an event, with many not even sure if it was there or not. Those that are confirmed by many do include dubious claims, but they are consistent enough that they are taken as truth.


The existence of this creature, if that is what it truly is, has been reported across the world. However, to know of it takes enough study and research that it is not widely known in the public sphere. It is most known after a recent event where it is seen, and sometimes whispered about as a possible cause where there is no other explanation.

Variations & Mutation

Some think that the tales tell of a real creature, while others think it is an allusion to the general sudden decline of a civilization. There is a heated debate within academic communities one what it truly is, but few want to seek it out to confirm their theories.

Cultural Reception

There is a common saying across the world that ones action will draw the attention of the serpent. These are seen as warnings to check one's ambition and to prevent their hubris from getting away from them. However many do not even know the origins of such a saying, instead picking it up from generation to generation.

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