Arch-Gaurd. Rank/Title in Isenwarr | World Anvil
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Arch-Guard is the highest obtainable rank in I-therian defence. This rank is only appointable to one person. Most people who make it to Arch-Guard are Enhanced and those who are not are usually discharged for the madness of power this is easily avoidable as an Enhanced since they can take strength from The All-Father.


To become Arch-Gaurd you must have full marks after graduation from the Dormarant academy.


To be eligible for this rank you must meet all the qualifications and have served as Section Corporal for at least 6 months.


The Rank of Arch-Gaurd can only be appointed by 75% of the Semphora.


Some would include, keeping interpersonal relations calm and peaceful, and meeting the needs of every guard, Tower Officer and Section Corporal.


Some responsibilities are the completion of bi-monthly checks on all tower stocks of weapons, food and armour, to unsure all wells of Ithleware are properly maintained and to keep the citizens of Ithleware calm under pressure.


License to remove any risk to the people of I-theria by any means necessary, also license to commandeer any vessel under 80 spheres (£10000) for self-preservation purposes.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A bow made of the finest Pineoo (Pin-ee-oo) wood and a Pineoo fibre suit.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If for any reason 35% of The Semphora believe the person in question to be unfit be it morally, or physically, the Present Arch-Gaurd will be discharged affective immediately.


The youngest Arch-Gaurd to ever be appointed was *Jonathan* Meling aged 21 but was discharged for arrogance

Cultural Significance

The holder of this rank is to be treated with the utmost respect by all.

Notable Holders

A notable holder would be the Arch-Gaurd David (Enhanced) as he vanquished the enemy of I-theria, but died in the process.
*Johnathan* was suggested by Apteron on Discord.
Civic, Military, Generic
Full in use
The Department of Defence of The Semphora (TDoDoTS)
Form of Address
My Protecter
Source of Authority
The Semphora
Length of Term
Lifelong (unless some other reason exists.)
Related Locations

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