Faelund Bears | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Faelund Bears

Bears of the Divine

Against the dark colors of the needled Dragon Pines and the tans of the Aelinor Oaks, the soft white fur of these creatures stands out in stark contrast, marking them as wholly different from their brethren that roam the southern reaches of the Spine of Kallex. These bears prefer the colder north, where the eternal forest begins to slip into the chills of the Neither Tundra. Some may confuse them for Nordland Bears because of their white coat, but these small bears of the north are much different and much more special.   Faelund Bears are a variation of Coaldust Bears, blessed with a mutation that causes their fur to be snow white, instead of the coal black of their brethren or the cinnamon shades of yet another sibling the Spicedfur Bears. To some of the peoples of the Spine of Kallex, these white-furred bears are seen as a blessing given to the world by Crommel, God of the Forge. These bears were meant to be his messengers to the Ursarin and Freena, the Animal Lord. The somewhat spirit-like bears would bring tidings from the god, leading the Ursarin to rare ores and materials that would better their forges.   Those that have ever crossed paths with a Faelund Bear are considered blessed beyond measure as many believe that Crommel only speaks to his chosen sons of the Dwarves. But the Ursarin also light their forges and work in his name, no small feat with their large claws and paws. For many, the Faelund Bears are the confirmation that what they are doing is right and that one day they will all be forging alongside the Dwarves and others that follow the God of the Forge.  

Basic Information

Varied Coloration
Faelund Bears are not truly albinos and their coloration can vary greatly due to the genetic mutation that causes them to have white fur. Shades of white, cream, and grey are common, as well as some spots of black.


Faelund Bears are medium-sized bears, often ranging from forty-five to eighty inches in length and roughly twenty-five to forty inches at the shoulder. Depending on the season and gender, one of these bears can weigh anywhere from slightly over one hundred pounds to upwards of three hundred pounds. They are not considered the largest predators in the areas they inhabit, but few predators are larger than the Faelund Bears.   Throughout the year, these creatures will grow thicker hair to prepare themselves for the colder winter months where they will often find a place to shelter and hibernate for anywhere from three to eight months depending on seasonal changes as well as the availability of food and whether or not a female bear is pregnant.   Much like their Coaldust Bear brethren, Faelund Bears are extremely dexterous and have extremely keen eyesight. This allows them the ability to climb trees and some cliff faces that most other bears would not be able to. Their keen eyesight makes them deadly hunters that can quickly find prey even in the most adverse of conditions.  

Genetics & Reproduction

Genetically, Faelund Bears are Coaldust Bears that have a mutation that causes their fur to become a white or cream color instead of black. These bears are not considered albinos as they have pigmented skin and eyes and the shades of white of their fur can vary greatly.   Because of the gene mutation that causes this coloration, it is possible for a Faelund Bear to have a cub that would be considered a Coaldust Bear as it would not have the gene mutation. Little is truly known about the genetics surrounding the Coaldust Bears and the various sub-species, including the Faelund Bears, but Scholars have attempted to unravel the mystery through increased research in recent years.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Faelund Bears are commonly found in the northernmost reaches of the Spine of Kallex and most of the Neither Tundra. They rarely range farther south than the Northern Outposts, as they tend to prefer colder temperatures compared to most bears. During the summer months, these bears commonly stay closer to the Neither Tundra and do not range as far south, but during the winter months, their range is greatly expanded as the northern parts of the Elven Forest is covered in snow.   It is rare to find large groups in open areas outside of the Spine of Kallex. Due to their small numbers and bright coloring, these creatures are believed to prefer some measure of defense found in various caves and valleys within the Spine. Single bears may wander out in the open but utilize the snow banks in the Neither Tundra to provide cover.
Faelund Bears
Faelund Bears are extremely recognizable due to their distictive white color that sets them apart from their Coaldust Bear brethren. Only color separates these two species and it is possible for two Faelund Bears to produce a cub that would be considered a Coaldust Bear.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Ursus fae nordei
20 to 40 years
Average Height
25 in to 40 in at the shoulder
Average Weight
100 lbs to 300 lbs
Average Length
45 in to 80 in
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Cultural Significance

These special bears hold a great deal of cultural significance to the Ursarin as these creatures are seen as a blessing from Crommel, signaling that even though their animal heritage makes life somewhat difficult, following the path of the forge is what they were meant to do. It is believed that these bears will lead devout Ursarin to pockets of ore that even the Dwarves beneath their mountains would be jealous of.   While bears are not normally killed by most people, Faelund Bears have a somewhat protected status and to kill one would mean declaring war on the Ursarin. These people believe heavily in their signs from the God of the Forge and any slight against one of these creatures is considered to be horrendous and unforgivable.


Author's Notes

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May 21, 2023 21:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the image of one of these bears climbing a cliff face.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jun 14, 2023 18:43 by Catoblepon

Thanks for participating! Here's your badge <3

[img/:4602291] (Make sure to take out the / to get the badge to display)   I love them and I wanna pet and cuddle them. Usually, a mutation making the animal brighter is seen as cursed cuz its easier to spot them, so I loved to see people saw it as a blessing! Also, as Emy said, imagining one of these climbing a cliff, 90 degrees of the ground, is hilarious.

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