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Clay Giant Birth Rites

Birth Rites of the Hardy Folk

We pray for a child,
Strong like the ancestors,
Willing to listen to the elders,
And one that never stops growing.
— Prayer of Childbirth,
The Cradle
  For the Giantkin that call the Cradle of Clay home, the birth of a child, although far more frequent than the other long-lived races, is something that is exciting, a celebration, a miracle. The goddess Rerena has blessed the Clay Giants with the ability of growth, whether from the soil, the self, or a child with a new potential. These children continue a society that is not marked by ties to the Giants.   Much like other celebrations within Clay Giant Culture, the birth of a child comes with storytelling and feasting. While children may be raised by the entire village, the birth is meant to be a special celebration amongst family. Members will travel from across the Cradle of Clay or from wherever they were to join in the celebrations and stories that are special to their family.   Stories are told about the family and various things that have happened throughout the years and people's lives. The celebrations and storytelling may last a week or longer as the family gathers in the home of the mother or the homes of various close family members. Tables of food are scattered amongst the buildings, allowing people to graze and continue sharing stories. Family is most important at this time as all await the newborn child.  

Birth Celebrations

The celebrations that surround a child's birth are a deep-seated tradition of the Clay Giants. Each new child is seen as a step forward from a society that saw them as nothing, a weak people that had no place amongst the strong. These celebrations are meant to honor the past while also looking forward to the possibilities that will come in the future.  

Clay Giant Births

Pregnancy for Clay Giants is very similar to that of Human women. Throughout a pregnancy, a woman will rely on the knowledge of both elder women in the family and tribe as well as the knowledge of a well-trained midwife. Some women may even choose to travel to hospitals in the Human Empire to give birth.
  Beyond just simple storytelling, the weeklong or longer celebrations also include times of writing down well wishes for the children and writing inspirational notes to be given to the child when older. These notes are kept in a book and are meant to be read in times of great struggle or when one's growth may be stagnant. In this way, the stories and words of old become a great inspiration in the current day.  

Honoring the Goddess

While Clay Giants are devout in their faith and followings of the teaching of Rerena, their birth celebrations are not nearly as entwined with the goddess as other races. The Clay Giants do offer prayers throughout the celebration, often for goodwill and safe deliveries, but their faith is not integral to their celebrations.
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Clay Giants by far have the longest names of any race. Their names are often made up of three parts, a given name, a title of some sort, and a family name. In some ways, the names of Clay Giants are similar to those of Elves in that their names will change during adulthood as the Clay Giants cannot receive their title until they have surpassed the age of twenty.   The given name is often short and simple, rarely being longer than five or six letters. These names are commonly passed down throughout a family line, being used normally every third or fourth generation. This is one way the Clay Giants keep the spirits of their ancestors alive.   Parents must only worry about a given name for their child as the middle name, or title, is not given until adulthood. This title will be granted by the Shaman of a tribe or area and is meant to represent the person's struggle and growth. Names such as Dawnleader, Stormchaser, and Vollan are common as they give a name to one's potential.


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