Inundated earth Zeus in the Beginning
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Zeus in the Beginning

Era beginning/end

Circa 35000 BCE

Zeus overthrows the titans and looks to create human civilization. Instead of the desired humans of today, Zeus is left with humans not suitable for a prosperous civilization. This culminates with the Gigantomachy and the banishment of the giants to the Norse Continent.

Creatures roam the earth, and anatomically modern people are newborn and without civilization. From Gaea and Ouranos, the titans, Hekatonkheires, and Cyclopses are born. Cronus, leader of the titans, kills Ouranos due to the mistreatment of the imprisoned hekatonkheires. Ymir (the first giant) evolves from Ouranos’ blood. Buri is next. Eventually, Zeus was born and fought to overthrow his father, Cronus.   Zeus overthrows the titans and creates the Greek Underworld, banishing the titans to Tartarus. Zeus then creates Mount Olympus for himself to rule from.   The war with giants and Typhon follow; Zeus beat Typhon and giants, banishing giants to Ginnungagap, which becomes the Norse Continent.   Before, during, and after Gigantomachy, Zeus attempts to make man prosper with civilization but fails. The gold, silver, bronze, iron, and heroic ages are the result. These failed civilizations rise and fall for thousands of years.   Prometheus is jailed.

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