Inundated earth Earth Timeline
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  • 200000 BCE

    150000 BCE

    Humans occupy Africa
    Population Migration / Travel

    Although anatomically modern, these humans were not cognitively or behaviorally "modern" until around 50,000 years ago.

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  • 100000 BCE

    40000 BCE

    Humans migrate into Europe and western Asia
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • Circa 35000 BCE
    Zeus in the Beginning
    Era beginning/end

    Zeus overthrows the titans and looks to create human civilization. Instead of the desired humans of today, Zeus is left with humans not suitable for a prosperous civilization. This culminates with the Gigantomachy and the banishment of the giants to the Norse Continent.

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  • 34999 BCE

    30000 BCE

    Giants arrive in Ginnungagap; establish Norse Continent
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Son of the banished giants, Odin creates Asgard, Vanaheim, Midgard, Alfheim, Jotunheim, and Nidavellir.

    Norse Continent
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  • 15000 BCE

    First sign of humans and indigenous divinities in North America
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 12000 BCE

    Migrants spread from North America to South America
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 4000 BCE

    2500 BCE

    First Jade Emperor appearance

    The Jade Emperor travels through Central and east Asia vanquishing evil creatures. He creates Diyu and puts Yama in charge of overseeing the affairs.

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  • 4000 BCE

    The Jade Emperor creates Tian
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 3600 BCE

    Ra creates first Egyptian civilization

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  • 3500 BCE

    First Sumerian City-states and Kur are created

    The Sumerians recruit Ra to assist them in creating the first Sumerian society. The Sumerian underworld, Kur is created shortly after.

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  • 3499 BCE

    Aaru is created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Jade Emperor and Inanna collaborate to finish Aaru, an unfinished project of Ra.

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  • 3498 BCE

    Osiris creates Duat
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 2500 BCE

    Early Hindu Deities appear
    Discovery, Exploration

    Early ancestors of Hindu deities can be seen throughout Asia approaching sentience.

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  • 2334 BCE

    2154 BCE

    Sargon and the Akkadian Empire

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  • 1900 BCE

    Aesir-Vanir War concludes
    Diplomatic action

    The Aesir and Vanir finally come to a peace after thousands of years of fighting.

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  • 1899 BCE

    Hel is created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 1897 BCE

    Ba'al Cycle

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  • 1896 BCE

    The Tuatha Dé Danann arrive in Ireland
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Tuatha Dé Danann fight the Fir Bolg for Ireland and win; however, Nuada loses and arm and therefore the kingship. Bres then leads the Tuatha Dé Danann.

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  • 1895 BCE

    Advances in Soul Handling
    Diplomatic action

    Inanna and the Jade Emperor ally to make advances toward reincarnation and more efficient underworlds.

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  • 1884 BCE

    The Second Battle of Mag Tuired
    Military action

    The Tuatha Dé Danann fight Balor and the Fomorians to usurp the kingship from Bres. The Tuatha Dé Danann are victorious thanks to the leadership of newcomer, Lugh.

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  • 1810 BCE

    1750 BCE

    Hammurabi and the Babylonian Empire
    Life, Career

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  • 1699 BCE

    Tuatha Dé Danann defeated and banished to Annwn
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Tuatha Dé Danann are defeated by the invading Milesians (ancestors of the modern day Irish people) and banished to Annwn, The Otherworld.

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  • 1500 BCE

    Indra is born
    Life, Birth

    The Vedic period begins. Indra, son of the Jade Emperor, is born.

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  • 1450 BCE

    First Angels
    Diplomatic action

    Jibrail, Mikail, and Israfil join Azrael as the first angels.

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  • 1351 BCE

    1334 BCE

    Akhenaten's Reign
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Akhenaten attempts to introduce the monotheistic worship of Aten, instead of Egypt's traditional polytheism.

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  • 1333 BCE

    Lucifer, Samael, and the Watchers join the order of angels
    Diplomatic action

    The Watchers are sent to Earth to watch over humans.

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  • 1251 BCE

    Yahweh creates Shamayim and Gehenna
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 1250 BCE

    Moses leads Israelite slaves from Egypt
    Population Migration / Travel

    Moses leads Israelite slaves from Egypt, establishes the worship of Yahweh at Mt. Sinai.

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  • 1190 BCE

    1180 BCE

    Judgement of Paris and the Trojan War
    Military action

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  • 1180 BCE

    Four Heavenly Kings join the Jade Emperor
    Diplomatic action

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  • 1180 BCE

    Second Vote called by Demeter
    Gathering / Conference

    Demeter calls a second vote to restrict the Greek gods to Mount Olympus. This vote succeeds and the Greeks are banished from Earth barring extraordinary circumstances.

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  • 1176 BCE

    Indra kills Vritra
    Life, Death

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  • 1175 BCE

    450 BCE

    Vedic Gods give way to the Trimurti and others
    Era beginning/end

    Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva gain in power over Indra and become the preeminent power in India. Urtha Lokas are created and Diyu is expanded.

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  • 1050 BCE

    Kingdom of Israel established

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  • 1000 BCE

    Events of the Ramayana
    Religious event

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  • 990 BCE

    931 BCE

    Life of Solomon
    Life, Milestone

    During King Solomon's reign of Israel, a magic ring called the Seal of Solomon—an invaluable artifact in summoning demons—is reportedly given to him.   Holy Temple of Jerusalem is built under Solomon.

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  • 753 BCE

    Founding of the Roman Kingdom

    Romulus, descendent of Aeneas, founds Rome. Supported by Aphrodite, the Roman religion is an effort to shift from the Greek gods to false counterparts, easing a transition to where the Greeks are not worshipped at all.

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  • 681 BCE

    The country of Elodine and city of Ikalga is founded

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  • 600 BCE

    Battle between Antu and rival Peripillán
    Military action

    Antu defeats Peripillán and banishes him to Minche Mapu.

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  • 587 BCE

    Judah falls to Babylon
    Military action

    In response to opposition from Jerusalem, Babylon fells the Kingdom of Judah. The Jewish people are taken to Babylon as captives.

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  • 550 BCE

    The Watchers are tempted

    The Watchers are tempted by human sin, lusting after human women. They defect en masse to Earth.

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  • 540 BCE

    The Jade Emperor creates Abrahamic framework
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Araf, Jannah, and Jahannam are created to prevent further temptation and defection. Angels are sent to deal with the Watchers and their offspring, the Nephilim.

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  • 539 BCE

    Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great
    Military action

    The Neo-Babylonian Empire—the last of the historic Mesopotamian kingdoms—falls, giving way to the Achaemenid Empire.   Jewish exiles are permitted to return to Israel.

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  • 500 BCE

    Events of the Mahabharata
    Military action

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  • 450 BCE

    The Jade Empire officially founded
    Diplomatic action

    With the signing of the Twin Worlds Humane Agreement, nearly all divine factions are brought into the Jade Empire and subject to its regulations.

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  • 400 BCE

    War of the Heavens concludes
    Military action

    Fallen Angels, lead by Lucifer, are defeated and create Hell. Lucifer and his Hell become an opposing force to the Jade Emperor in the Near East.

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  • 400 BCE

    Mayans create Xibalba

    Mayan deities are put against each other, leading to the downfall of Xibalba.

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  • 100 BCE

    44 BCE

    Life of Julius Caesar
    Life, Career

    Caesar, supported by Aphrodite—known to him as Venus, creates the basis for the Roman Empire (fierce opposition to Judaism).

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  • 6 BCE

    Jesus is born
    Life, Birth

    Having been unable to crush the Jewish spirit in the past, the Jade Emperor senses an opportunity to create a similar faith and convert their strength to it. This religion, which becomes Christianity, will serve the purpose of opposing Lucifer on Earth and creating a foothold in the Near East.

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  • 20 CE

    Birth of Sun Wukong
    Life, Birth

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  • 28 CE

    Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus; ascends to heaven (Jannah)
    Life, Death

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  • 136 CE

    Complete destruction of Jerusalem by Romans

    Jewish rebellions (66-71 CE and 132-36 CE) are squashed by the Romans and Jerusalem is rebuilt as a Roman colony leaving the Jewish people without a homeland.

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  • 200 CE

    Arahabaki and the Momunofu take control of Japan

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  • 216 CE

    274 CE

    Life of Mani
    Life, Career

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  • 312 CE

    325 CE

    Christian acceptance in Roman Empire
    Religious event

    From a vision in 312 CE to the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, Roman Emperor Constantine put Christianity on a path toward acceptance in the Roman Empire.

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  • 410 CE

    Early English comes to Earth through Anglo-Saxons
    Artistic creation

    The Roman Empire abandons Britain and Anglo-Saxon kingdoms are formed.   The early form of English is a test run for a lingua franca for the deities and is the earliest form of what will become modern English.

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  • 500 CE

    Christianity has spread throughout the Middle East as the most popular religion under both the Roman and Persian empires.
    Religious event

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  • 570 CE

    632 CE

    Life of Muhammad
    Life, Career

    The Prophet Muhammad is born, writes the Qur’an, and founds the religion of Islam.

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  • 626 CE

    Journey to the West

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  • 632 CE

    Islam spreads to the Near East, North Africa, Spain, and France. Replaces Zoroastrianism.
    Religious event

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  • 700 CE

    Arahabaki and the Momunofu overthrown by Shinto deities

    This begins the Shinto Era in Japan. Arahabaki and the Momunofu are exiled to newly created Haven. The Jade Emperor creates Takamagahara, the Japanese heaven, and Yomi, their hell.

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  • 700 CE

    First known migration of humans from Midgard, Norse Continent settle on Earth
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 800 CE

    Early Muisca

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  • 900 CE

    Mayan civilization in catastrophic decline

    Without the support of their deities, Mayan civilization fails.

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  • 939 CE

    The Fujiwara no Chikata Incident

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  • 1000 CE

    Dissolution of the Jade Empire
    Diplomatic action

    The Empire becomes a loose alliance between the Abrahamic, Chinese, and Dharmic factions.

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  • 1095 CE

    1291 CE

    Military action

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  • 1175 CE

    Founding of the United Divinities Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    More reading
    United Divinities
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  • 1200 CE

    Inca rises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Hanan Pacha and Ukhu Pacha created.

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  • 1215 CE

    Aztec Thirteen Heavens created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 1300 CE

    Aztec civilization begins

    Mictlan created.

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  • 1350 CE

    Sedna creates Adlivun
    Population Migration / Travel

    Little Ice Age forces Inuit south.

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  • 1492 CE

    The Great Spirit moves from North America to South America
    Population Migration / Travel

    Upon being alerted to Christopher Columbus' arrival to South America, the Great Spirit leaves North America to investigate.

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  • 1513 CE

    Inuit deities retreat completely to Adlivun to escape Europeans
    Population Migration / Travel

    Native American deities are slowly erased from America due to invaders from the east. Most Indigenous divinities are killed but the Inuit and Iktomi survive by retreating to Adlivun fulltime.

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  • 1521 CE

    Aztecs conquered by Spaniards, retreat to the Heavens
    Military action

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  • 1532 CE

    Incan Empire falls

    Once the Incan Empire falls, the Incan deities and the Muiscan deities retreat to the Heavens.

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  • 1540 CE

    Muisca falls without deity support

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  • 1550 CE

    Earth Abandonment Treaty of 1550 CE signed
    Era beginning/end
  • 1650 CE

    Haven expanded
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Mythological creature crusades occur, capturing and releasing most in Haven.

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  • 2020 CE

    2027 CE

    Migration from the Heavens
    Population Migration / Travel