Foggenburg was the first settlement on the new continent Gotland. The settlers endured lots of hardship during the years, but now it is the power center for the Mantera of Bestril . The Mante is ruling from a mighty fortress sitting upon a cliff overlooking the city and nearby land. The port is busy with trading ships and local fishers, shady taverns and dark alleyways dominating the harbour area. A city wall surrounds the town, giving shelter to its inhabitants. Sitting in the icy winds coming in from the north, most of the town is built from dark granite stone and the dark oak wood dominating the area.
The cliff and the surrounding area is riddled with caves and tunnels, most of the natural, some man made to connect different important structures of the city. It is rumoured that one tunnel leads from the Halls of Kyrgis directly up to the fortress. Many caves around the city of Foggenburg are used by smugglers and people who prefer to stay out of the light.
The people of Foggenburg are an open-minded folk, used to travelers from abroad and the many tradespeople from foreign cities to offer their wares. There are many guest houses and taverns offering their services, ranging from deft belly warming food to the strong ales of the north. The Red Watch is keeping out an eye for troublemakers, and most of the city is safe during the daylight hours. Comes rain, fog and darkness, there are lots of opportunities for the darker sides of business.