Maladar of the Night Winds Character in Into the Feywild | World Anvil
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Maladar of the Night Winds

Maladar, disguised as a autumn Eladrin, rules over the autumn clan in Orn'Manathill.  Formed an uneasy alliance with Aroakas "Chillfang" Innorath after realizing that they are evenly matched, and continued fighting would lead to mutually assured destruction.  Still, he bides his time and forms hidden alliances to slowly undermine Aroakas' power, in the hopes to remove him for good.  If successful, he plans to reveal his dragon form and enslave all of Orn'Manathill.

Rules over the autumn clan in Orn'Manathill.

Character Location
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Circumstances of Birth
A black dragon
Long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
orange with dark hues

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