Glowing Mushrooms Species in Into the Deadlands | World Anvil
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Glowing Mushrooms

This was inspired by the World Anvil Summer Camp of 2021. This is for the article: A Plant or Animal That Lives In An Inhospitable Region

Glowing Mushrooms are a species of fungus that create poisonous spores. This species is endemic to The Deadlands. Named for the green glow it emits at night.   Glowing Mushrooms release their poisonous spores when disturbed. It is hard to gather the fungus. Collecting them requires specialized knowledge. Those who have attempted in the past to collect the mushrooms often end up dead. When agitate the mushrooms release radioactive spores in a radius of 15 feet.   Side-effects of ingestion of Glowing Mushrooms or it's spores include: nausea and vomiting, then followed by jaundice, seizures, coma, and death. The mortality rate of ingestion of the mushroom is about 30%.   Side-effects of contact with the spores include: pins and needle feeling were the spores have contacted, severe headache, Backache, muscle pains, chest and abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, sweating, anxiety, hypertension, hallucinations and paranoia. These symptoms will take weeks to subside without treatment.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Glowing Mushrooms grow in areas rich with decaying radioactive vegetation, wood, and rotting flesh. This makes them endemic to The Deadlands .

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Glowing Mushrooms gathered with the correct knowledge can be made into a deadly contact or ingestion poison. When thrown the mushroom will release its spores. The mushroom can sell for up to 10 gold pieces.
Ingestion Symptoms:
nausea and vomiting, then followed by jaundice, seizures, coma, and death
Contact Symptoms:
pins and needle feeling were the spores have contacted, severe headache, Backache, muscle pains, chest and abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, sweating, anxiety, hypertension, hallucinations and paranoia. Cost: 30 Gold Pieces
Geographic Distribution

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