Navy Mother Character in Inom | World Anvil
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Navy Mother

Navy Mother (a.k.a. Navy)

The Navy Mother was always inclined to believe in a higher power, but also taught by her bearer-mother, who secretly ran a cult with wife and daughter, to question liberally. The cult was shut down in a raid by city police and both mothers indefinitely interned. Navy, showing "intense but misguided faith", was sent to a holy school to be reeducated and trained for a position preaching the orthodox version of the Faith of the Triplet Mothers.   The FIEBE needed, as was customary for flights with more than a handful of crew, a compassionate and spirited chaplain, with great devotion to the Faith in the face of challenging revelations. The FIEBE got a compassionate and spirited chaplain who outwardly expressed great devotion to the Faith but inwardly felt disillusioned with the orthodoxy. Navy performed the duties of her position admirably.   It was after the crash that Navy confessed to Beet-Red, department-head-who-doesn't-really-ever-need-anything-from-the-supply-department-to-quartermaster, that she felt this dissatisfaction. This was before Beet-Red ditched the Faith herself, but Beet-Red wasn't very faithful to begin with. Beet-Red's reassurance did not bring Navy back to devotion. Navy then lounged around the crash site in a funk for a while, sometimes disappearing into the ruins for a while, before eventually vanishing with her underlings, leaving not a word. So ends the information Beet-Red has on Navy.   It is known that Navy is the Mother of the Midnighters. It is not known what her goals in leading the Midnighters are, nor why the Midnighters are so hostile to both aliens and to other blockheads. Navy hasn't been seen by a non-Midnighter in decades.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her body now only resembles a blockhead's. Her upper arms and legs have been warped shorter while her forearms and shins have been elongated to make up for it.

Facial Features

Like most blockhead hermaphrodites, Navy has a sizeable horn on her head. Unlike the rest of her species, however, this one curls back just a bit instead of pointing straight with a slight curl forwards.

Identifying Characteristics

Her skin is bathed in black tattoos depicting tentacles, thorns, and orgies. She's also pierced just about every part of her body with some gleam-made piercing. Normally this ruins the gleam by staining it with blood that must be evaporated in a reforge, but these piercings were carefully done so as to avoid this.

Physical quirks

She leans forwards when she walks, in a way that seems both unsteady and smooth.

Special abilities

The Brier has bestowed unto her an alarming regenerative capacity and tolerance to pain such that a traditional fight will not go well for any opponent.

Apparel & Accessories

Normally, she lurks the ruins almost entirely nude, displaying her tattoos and piercings to her tribe. The only clothing she wears is her gloves.   However, when dealing with captives or venturing outside, Navy covers herself up completely. She dons a jet-black, fully-obscuring robe which shows a human shape while obscuring exact proportions and her tail. In this robe, she is, at a distance, impossible to tell from any other humanoid, like the merfolk. This robe is light, airy, and wicks moisture from the body, taking less than ten minutes to dry on the body after stepping in from the deluge. The face is covered by a thick mesh in a style similar to a chadri, which, of course, does allow blockhead body odor to escape, but it still obscures her very much.

Specialized Equipment

Navy does not fight to kill unless it is simply too inconvenient to bring the defeated adversary back home. Her weapon, then, is a gift from the Brier, an pair of electrified glove which resists the dampness of Anicoja and can temporarily paralyze any whom she grabs or slaps. These gloves look like black leather gloves which match her robe. Obviously, she keeps her hands concealed in public to disguise her species.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Here's the information that doesn't warrant being a secret but which none but the Midnighters know:   After crashing, Navy took to exploring the ruins of Inom, at first being passingly curious and then, after her childhood inquisitiveness came back, seeking enlightenment where the other aliens, just as alien to this planet as she was, could provide none. In these dark pits, she began to piece together the history of Inom, eventually making contact with the Brier. From then on, the Midnighters were in service to the Brier, for they were in service to Navy, and here was something Navy could believe in and something she could derive meaning from.   In the process, Navy became... a little more than blockhead, as did the Midnighters. Navy was first morphed into a blockhead hermaphrodite without the pheromone-emission issues associated with the sex. Then she was granted access to soundwaves-- no vocal chords, but ears capable of comprehending speech. These assets have been granted to her both as reward and to better perform the tasks assigned to her: seek out the remnants of Inom's people and deliver them to the Brier.


If it weren't for the secrecy and mysticism she must keep around her tribe, Navy would be boning every freak she met. She's getting quite tired of birthing and siring Midnighters-- she wants to know how the other species are in bed.


She attended a prestigious school for turning little girls into othodox priestesses.


Landed the position of chaplain aboard the FIEBE after spending most of her adult life as a scholar of the orthodoxy and assistant to various priestesses.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The first real achievement she ever had, in her eyes, was getting on the FIEBE. Graduating was hollow, but getting onto the FIEBE was monumental. Its significance only increased when she founded the Opulence's Thorns cult out of her tribe. Meeting the Brier and forming the cult are, of course, her other proud achievements.

Failures & Embarrassments

She's mildly embarrassed that she allowed the Empire to cow her into submitting to the orthodoxy, but she understands now that it was necessary in order to survive to where she is today. So she's not particularly ashamed of it, or anything else she's done.

Mental Trauma

A tasteful amount of messiah complex. Kinda hard to avoid when one is the chosen leader of a tangible deity's cult. Her extreme commitment to the Brier's will also occasionally reaches points of disregard for her own or her tribe's well-being.

Morality & Philosophy

If the world is not fair, then make it fair. She is, however, very willing to trample on others in the name of her own goals. Very ends-justify-the-means sort of girl.

Personality Characteristics


She seeks to bring the blockhead species into a new era with the help of the Brier and her Siren. The Brier would tweak blockheads such that even the bedicked are capable of communicating via pheromones, and the Siren would absorb the homeworld into Inom, delivering her people from their barren world. From there, Navy would become the new empress and rule her species in a new age of plenty and equality.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good at blending into crowds despite her unusual attire.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves: the Brier, her species, ritual Dislikes: the blockhead homeworld, murder, neiji Hates: the blockhead Empire, arbitrary inequality

Virtues & Personality perks

Compassionate, charismatic, spirited

Vices & Personality flaws

Servant of an eldritch deity


She bathes thoroughly on waking and before going back to sleep. Just as the cult keeps their ruins tidy, she keeps her quarters spotless.


Contacts & Relations

The Brier is a very powerful benefactor.

Family Ties

Direct ancestor of all non-first-generation Midnighters.

Religious Views

The Brier is an actual, tangible goddess. Call it worship of power, but she knows who to invest faith in. It was very easy to forsake the blockhead Faith's orthodoxy when confronted with evidence of divinity.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic when dealing with other blockheads, but has some problems performing the customary etiquette of other species.

Hobbies & Pets

Navy is a talented artist in the medium of pen & paper, especially in the design of tattoos.

Wealth & Financial state

The vaults occupied by her tribe are still full of treasures, as they don't trade them to anyone. Their raids and breeding programs sustain them.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prophetess of Barbs (current), Navy Mother (current), FIEBE Head Priestess (former)
Blockhead Homeworld
Hermaphrodite (Bearer on arrival to Inom)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Though only capable of communication via blockhead pheromones, BHSL, and BH Braille, thanks to her Brier-granted hearing, she comprehends many spoken tongues, including English and Scainsa.

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