Jantenecya Geographic Location in Inom | World Anvil
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Jantenecya is huge, tropical-and-subtropical continent (somewhat like Earth's old Asia, minus the arctic regions) in the northern hemisphere of Inom and roughly opposite in terms of longitude, according to the maps created by the ancients. Very little is known about it today, other than that it had contained, for much of neiji history, the dominant world powers and had likely been the birthplace of their kind.


Maps indicate Jantenecya has its share of mountains, jungles, forests, and even deserts. It's quite a varied land.   Notable subcontinents include Negenji to the northeast, which is mostly desert; Gomemein, the tropical rainforest covering approximately the entire souther half of the continent; and Conjer, a land of forests and steppes to the northwest.

Fauna & Flora

It is not known whether or not animals still exist on Jantenecya, but records indicate that they did at one time.   As to the flora, it's written that it compares in verdancy to Anicoja.

Natural Resources

Everything a continent could offer--or at least, it was so for a time.
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