Beggarchoke Broth Item in Inom | World Anvil
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Beggarchoke Broth

Broth is by far the most common culinary conversion employed towards making the beggar's artichoke palatable, because at least you can drink broth fast and get it over with. It's called broth instead of soup because when beggarchoke is simmered, the individual plants that compose it die and detach from one another, creating a slate-gray broth with purple dots suspended throughout. Since it still tastes like dirt and zinc, beggarchoke broth is then frequently used as a base for a slew of improvised soups to mask the flavor.   This dish can be found readily in the kitchens of most dwellers of the foothills or ancient ruins of Bowl Ridge, such as the crabfolk of Tollgate or the Indies of their Warren and of Kidspost. They hate it just as much as inner-jungle-dwellers.

Manufacturing process

  • Boil water in pot.
  • Simmer the beggarchoke in boiling water until mostlydissolved.
  • Serve in a bowl.
  • Significance

    It's mostly consumed by those who dwell in Bowl Ridge. Both those who don't consume beggarchoke broth and those who do consider it an unpleasant dish consumed only in desperation.
    Item type
    Consumable, Food / Drink
    Related ethnicities
    Base Price
    Raw materials & Components
  • Several stalks of beggarchoke
  • Water
  • Tools
  • A pot that can boil water
  • A bowl or large cup
  • -! Spoon not recommended

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