Anicoja Geographic Location in Inom | World Anvil
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Anicoja is an Australia-sized continent just south of Inom's equator, covered in jungles and surrounded by islands. It is onto Anicoja that the merfolk (and all other alien species) crashed, and Anicoja on which the Siren was built. Its ruins protect the most intimate histories of the extinct civilization that built them and guard artifacts of great power in the wrong hands. Its jungles teem with the most toxic plants and most chaotic aliens on the planet. Anicoja has borne witness to fantastic amounts of violence and compassion alike.   Anicoja is, however, not the only name most inhabitants know it as-- that's merely what the ancients called it, according to the scholars. Most popular among its alternative English names are, for instance, Myland, Providence, and Yet Another New South Wales (Yansow for short).


Succinctly, Anicoja is either a crater or a caldera-- it's been hotly debated among geologists. Anicoja's lowest natural point sits below sea level, while the rim (English: "Bowl Ridge") stands a good distance from sea-level, discouraging travel beyond it except through the Northwest Chip, a challenging climb and descent all the same. Now, there is a bit of arable land beyond Bowl Ridge, known as Codacote, a collection of moors, swamps, and beaches, but Codacote only covers most of the northern shore of Anicoja and elsewhere, the sea directly meets the mountainside. Distinct regions within the boundaries of Bowl Ridge include: Heaven's Mattress to the northeast, where the jungle is thinner and even transitions into semi-arid desert by the mountains; the Barefoot Lowlands to the southeast, full of freshwater swampland; the Fairies' Garden in the southwest, a much more verdant stretch of jungle; the Triad of Ash in the west, largely bereft of sapient life and filled with ruins; and the Necropolis Wasteland in the northwest, where a sprawling city of contrasting make to the other ruins has cleared the jungle.   A violent storm--the Gale, or the Storm, or the Hurricane, depending on who you ask--has perpetually surrounded the island since before the ancient neiji even saw the continent. It has never cleared and it promises to destroy any craft that tries to brave it. It hovers over the Obstinate Ocean like a crown.

Fauna & Flora

There is no feral life on Anicoja, on land or in the sea. There just aren't any beasts besides those which women fashion themselves into. It's quite a mystery.   Within Anicoja is a staggering degree of botanical biodiversity, however. The edible plants of Anicoja are plenty, as are the poisons and, even more exciting, the mutagens. Want new or bigger body parts? Seek the right mutagen out.   On one last note, it's a subject of some distress that ancient records indicate the presence of feral animals on Anicoja.

Natural Resources

It's as bounteous as any jungle, minus the animal resources.
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