United Terran Republic Organization in In Between The Voids | World Anvil
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United Terran Republic

"I remember when the skies above us weren't filled with smog. When the Republic led us bravely into the great unknowns of the Settled Heavens. I remember seeing the news that Mars and the other dead worlds would soon be terraformed into safe havens like Earth. I remember when humanity was truly happy for once in its terrified existence. But that was 400 years ago, and this is now."
--Emon Watts, Year 2847 CE

  The United Terran Republic was an interstellar superpower and the first government to unify all of humanity under one banner. The United Terran Republic(UTR) was a representative democracy headquartered on Earth. The government was formed following a series of devastating disasters and wars across the Sol System between 2030 and 2120 CE. After many peace talks, negotiations, treaties, and changes in society, the governments of Earth decided it was best to unify the Earth, the other planets in the Sol System, and its peoples under a single government.
  Life under the UTR between 2150 and 2647 was almost utopian. Led by an artificial superintelligence named Echidna, humanity could explore and colonize hundreds of distant worlds across the Settled Heavens. With life extension tech, humans could live up to 600 years old and solve a great deal of issues plaguing the human condition. However, the disaster that was the Interstellar Collapse permanently ruined the UTR and its utopia. When the disaster was over, the Echidna AI running the UTR was lost and many of the UTR's colonies succeded from its union into their own independent nations.
  Corporations soon took advantage of the power vacuum and effectively became more powerful than the UTR and its splitter nations. The government became corrupt and turned into a military police and surveillance state. The civilians became apathetic and depressed as the nation fell into cultural and technological stagnation. While still a superpower, the UTR had long since fallen from its original grace and was now a militaristic dictatorship under the disguise of a democratic society. The UTR fell after the end of the First Imperial War in 3112 CE.


The UTR began as the United Nations, a transnational organization founded in 1945 CE on Earth. The UN began to grow as an organization in 2068 during the Third World War, also known as the War of Avalon, by providing aid to refugees in outer space and holding back China, the United States, Africa, and Russia. Following the war's end, the Echidna Superintelligence would come online and use the UN's extended powers to make the other nations secede their sovereignty.   Reorganizing the UN as the UTR, and unifying the many nations of Earth and their colonies, the Echidna Superintelligence acted as both the government's organizer and advisor.     Although the UTR became a despotic and corrupt regime that had forgotten what it was founded upon, had the Interstellar Collapse never happened they would have dominated the galaxy and become what the Solarian Federation is today. Their original essence, the freedom and equality of all life, lives on through the Solarian Federation.

Demography and Population

At its height, the UTR had around 379 billion citizens in 2600. The most populated planet in their territory was their capital, Earth, with a population of 31 billion. Centauri Prime had a population of around 29 billion, Mars with 26, Thermis with 23, and Gannerron with 22. Most of the population, however, was spread across the many stars of the Settled Heavens. Most of the population lived in outer space on stations, asteroids, and starships. Some even lived in the regions between stars in the radiation-filled interstellar space. Much of the population lived in stellapolies, massive cities built in space around stars, each housing up to 2 billion residents or more.   Following the Interstellar Collapse and Colonial Wars, much of the UTR's original population became divided. Most humans still lived within its borders and most star systems were eager to rejoin. Still, many of the UTR's outer colonies had developed new political ideologies and governments due to the long separation from the Sol Star System. This divided the population from nearly 400 billion to around 240 billion. The planets with the largest populations in order at this time were Centauri Prime with 85 billion, Earth with 68 billion, Mars with 35 billion, and Thermis with 30 billion.


Before the Interstellar Collapse, the UTR had an extremely small military, as there was little need for one. Due to the government running so well, the only real conflict the UTR experienced was from extremely small planetary dictatorships, who believed the idea of an AI running a government was morally wrong. Since they dominated the Settled Heavens and had no direct competition, they only ever had around 1300 starships in their navy. Instead, they focused most of their defense budget on large-scale weapon projects and minor law enforcement.   After the Interstellar Collapse, however, the need for a military grew paramount to the UTR. Rogue AIs and unstable machines were spread across hundreds of thousands of planets, killing as many lifeforms as possible.

Technological Level

The UTR was the most technologically advanced civilization of its time. Breakthroughs in science and engineering allowed vast megastructures made of carbon nanotubes to be built in space. Medicine was so advanced that entire genetic diseases or cancers could erased from a family bloodline permanently. Anti-aging medications were given to those who could afford them, which happened to be most people living in the UTR.


Before the UTR was even formed, religions across the board were seeing a massive decrease. Atheism and agnostics accounted for roughly 42% of the total population by 2100. By 2500, it counted for roughly 61% of the total human population across the Settled Heavens. While most within the UTR didn't subscribe to any religion, many did follow a set of principles and ethics that advocated for human rights and social justice. The largest religion was Transcendentalism, an atheistic religion that believed that human can evolve above their basic limitations through science, genetic and mechanical engineering, and moral evolution. Traditional Abrahamic faiths had faded in relevance, as had Buddhism and Hinduism.    After the Interstellar Collapse, religions of all kinds saw an increase. This increase in faith was mainly caused by the massive loss of human life and the dystopian world people had found themselves in. Corrupt corporations ruled almost everything and many civil freedoms were slowly taken away. Without much hope from the outside world, people turned to religion as a source of hope. After the fall of the UTR at the end of the First Imperial War, most religions were destroyed while others survived through small cults.


Before the Interstellar Collapse, education was a prized ideal in the UTR. The entire population, regardless of wealth class or other factors, got a high level of education. They would begin their journey at a young age, typically 6 to 8, and continue until the end of High School at 18. From there, they could apply to college and finally university. STEM fields    Post-Interstellar Collapse, education took a serious downgrade. The disaster required many programs to be put on the back burner, including education.


  • Map of the Settled Heavens (Year 3110)

2150 CE - 3112 CE

Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
UTR, Terran Republic
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
UTR Credit
Legislative Body
UTR Court of Law & Assembly
Judicial Body
UTR Court of Justice
Executive Body
UTR President and Court of Authority
Related Species

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Cover image: by Vadim Sadovski


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