Corporations Organization in In Between The Voids | World Anvil
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Corporations are organizations, usually a company or group of people, authorized to act as a single individual for profit. Corporations can have massive impacts on human history, such as in the late 1800s during the Gilded Age on Earth or the Corrupt era after the Interstellar Collapse. Corporations can be benevolent as they can be greedy. During the Dawn Era, many different corporate conglomerates formed and collaborated with government officials for various reasons, most monetary or defense-based. During the Corrupt Era, corporations had as much power as entire nations and controlled almost every aspect of human life, resulting in societal decay, collapse, crime, and rampant corruption.

Dawn Era Corporations and Companies(1969-2150)



    • CEO: Vaga Prachford
    • Founded: 2049
    • Founded by: Richard Prachford
    • HQ: Hawthorne, California; Earth
    • Type: Spaceship manufacture and space transportation.

  Founded in 2049 from the merging of the Boeing Company, SpaceX, Blue Origin, and some smaller aerospace companies, Exo-Planetary was a corporation that focused mainly on spaceship design, space tourism, and public transportation. They had facilities all over the Sol Star System

Astral Weapons Systems

    • CEO:
    • Founded: 2049
    • Founded by:
    • HQ: Houston, Texas; Earth
    • Type:


Eaglewatcher Tech


Rackhart Biotic Pharmaceuticals

    • CEO: Johnathan Rackhart
    • Founded: 2043
    • Founded by: Wilson Rackhart
    • HQ: Tycho City, Tycho Crater; Luna
    • Type: Pharmaceutical and Health Insurence Provider


Latona Mining Co.

  CEO: Andrew Mercer Founded: 2057 Founded by: Andrew Mercer HQ: Tycho City, Tycho Crater; Luna Type: Mining and resource company

Corrupt Era Corporations and Companies(2647-3112)


Alpha Star Industries (ASI)

    • CEO: Morrison Albright
    • Founded: 2360
    • Founded by: Jordan Albright
    • HQ: Caliban Sector, Centauri Prime
    • Type: Spaceship and weapons manufacturing

  One of the oldest megacorporations in existence, Alpha Star Industries started as simply NeoStar. Founded by Jorden Albright, NeoStar made and sold spaceships for public and private use. Anyone, with enough UTR Credits, could afford to buy a well-made vessel as long as they obeyed regulations. NeoStar's spaceships became so commonplace and affordable, that it was likened to buying a car on a planet. However, in 2643, Jorden Albright died in an accident involving a malfunction of a newly developed spacecraft and his brother Morrison Albright became the new CEO. Shortly after, the Interstellar Collapse happened.
  After the Collapse, NeoStar fought many other flight and spaceship corporations, like Exo-Planetary, to take control of Centauri Prime. Centauri Prime and the Sol System were the main centers of space travel in the Settled Heavens, meaning that reclaiming them would be of top order for reconstruction of the UTR. NeoStar prevailed, rebranding themselves as Alpha Star Industries, and unofficially owned the planet. ASI monopolized space travel and starship creation, being rivaled only by VulcanCorp. ASI became the single most powerful megacorporation in history--they controlled politics, economics, technology, and even culture. They had dealings with numerous governments and other megacorps, and had facilities and tech in every star system of the Settled Heavens. With their CEO Morrison Albright leading them, almost no one would question their authority and power.
  Almost no one.


    • CEO: The Apex
    • Founded: 2652
    • Founded by: Black Sun mercenary group, exact invidivuals unknown
    • HQ: Sisafrera, Vulcan
    • Type: Spaceship and weapons manufacturing

  VulcanCorp is a paramilitary corporation founded by the Vulcanese mercenary group Black Sun. Transitioning from an illegal mercenary group into a legitimate paramilitary force was surprisingly easy with much of the UTR in collapse. Without any proper regulation, Black Sun quickly rose to political power through clever dealings, blackmail, threats of death, and corruption. After effectively taking control of the planet Vulcan, they rebranded as VulcanCorp and marketed to those willing to buy weapons and security in the wake of the Interstellar Collapse. It didn't(and still doesn't) matter who bought them, from the most wealthy corpo executive to the most desperate nobody on the run to the most insane psycho, VulcanCorp would provide top of line weapons, gear, and spaceships it could offer.
  VulcanCorp, however, had a vicious rivalry with Alpha Star Industries. Both corporations were manufacturers of spaceships and weapons and both wanted to solely own that monopoly themselves. VulcanCorp and ASI would attack each other whenever they could get the chance. Corporate espionage, hidden attacks, assassinations, VulcanCorp used every trick in the book to bring down ASI, and vice versa. Despite its headquarters being within UTR territory, VulcanCorp operated more smoothly in the Corporate Systems Alliance and the Aberdon Federation than in the UTR. This mainly has to do with ASI having major backing from the UTR but also with the fact that the CSA and Aberdon Federation are opposed to both ASI and the UTR.
  Of their leadership, not much is known. The only thing that can be certain is that they had a Board of Directors and they had a CEO named simply the Apex. The Board of Directers is in charge of the various departments of the corp whilst the Apex oversees the whole organization overall. While some members of the Board have been properly identified, the Apex remains a mystery. Only three things can be certain of them: 1, they are a human male. 2, they are more machine than man. And 3, they are the strongest, no matter what.

S.C. Bio-Dyne Corporation

    • CEO: Sabexian Merran Velen
    • Founded: 2649
  • Founded by: Sebexian Merran Velen and Caleb Washington
    • HQ: Sacramento, California; Earth
    • Type: Agriculture and biotechnology

  The S.C. Bio-Dyne Corporation is an organization dedicated to the production of biological organisms and biological enhancement. They were formed from the merging of two large agricultural and biotech companies, Simple Biotics and Dynamic Systems, to keep up with the demand for food for survivors of the Interstellar Collapse. Since rogue AIs permanently destroyed many planets' ability to develop agriculture by ruining bio-farms and poisoning agricultural land, S.C. Bio-Dyne became the main food provider for many colonial worlds in the Settled Heavens. As a result, S.C. Bio-Dyne grew to become a mighty corporation with much influence in the UTR and beyond. Outside of food, S.C. Bio-Dyne would often further develop pharmaceuticals and Medicare, create bodily augmentations for paying customers, and clone previously extinct animals like cheetahs, prairie bison, African elephants, smilodon, and tyrannosaurus.
  S.C. Bio-Dyne also had ties to military contracting, such as creating bio-engineered soldiers capable of rapid healing or genetically altered monsters whom human-piloted AIs can control. Many of their top pharmaceuticals are combat drugs for soldiers, which aren't for sale to the public. Despite this, former soldiers who fought in conflicts but are deemed no longer necessary will often sell these combat drugs for money on the black market. They may even alter the drugs so they become more effective or give a better high. S.C. Bio-Dyne works hard to stop the illegal trade of combat drugs, mainly out of a loss of profit and reputation rather than stopping the negative effects they have on humans.

Damian & Roe Inc.

    • CEO: Damian Hester Frye
    • Founded: 2590
  • Founded by: Damian Hester Frye and Roe Waddington
    • HQ: Caliban Sector, Centauri Prime
    • Type: AI and computer systems development

  If there is a phone, television, computer, or AI that has been released to the public for use, it's guaranteed to have Damian & Roe Inc.'s eyes and hands on it at least once. Damian & Roe Inc. was the single largest big tech company since Google LLC won over Apple Inc. in 2059.


    • CEO: Helix Tau Axis
    • Founded: 2701
  • Founded by: Unknown
    • HQ: Shepard Sector, Centauri Prime
    • Type: AI and computer systems development

  NexusCore is said to be the premier corporation in advanced artificial intelligence design and computer systems. NexusCore is a contactor, meaning many of its products aren't available for public use. NexusCore works with governments and megacorps around the Settled Heavens to create some of the most sophisticated and advanced servers, networking, computers, and AI.

Hyberware Industries

    • CEO: James Adrihel
    • Founded: 2536
  • Founder: James Adrihel
    • HQ: Olympia, Mars
    • Type: Cyberware and pharmaceutical manufacturing

  Hyberware Industries is the single largest megacorp dealing in cyberware and cybernetic enhancements.

Chronos Corporation



Set Goals. Have Ten Year Plan. Invest. Wake Up Early. CEO Mindset.

Alternative Names
Megacorporations, Megacorps, Corps
Corporate, Corpo, Corpo-rat
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Any currency of the region they are located in.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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Cover image: by Vadim Sadovski


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