Emperor's Embers Chapter Military Formation in Imperium Praeteritus | World Anvil
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Emperor's Embers Chapter

A successor chapter of the Dark Angels, the Emperor's Embers are the Space Marines that defend and govern over the Praeteritus sub-sector. Currently containing 13 companies, the chapter contains marines from other chapters and other Primarchs, and is open to learning the ideology and tactics of their brother and cousin marines.



Roughly 1300 marines, ranging from combat capable Neophytes, to the new Primaries marines, to veteran Terminators.


The chapter makes use of the standard equipment as illustrated by the Codex Astartes, equipment used exclusively by the Unforgiven, and equipment unique to the chapter and sub-sector. These unique pieces of equipment include


The chapter makes use of the standard weaponry as illustrated by the Codex Astartes, equipment used exclusively by the Unforgiven, and weaponry unique to the chapter and sub-sector. These unique weapons include


The chapter makes use of the standard vehicles as illustrated by the Codex Astartes, equipment used exclusively by the Unforgiven, and vehicles unique to the chapter and sub-sector. These unique vehicles include the Deutschland variant pattern scout tank,


The command structure of the chapter is that of the Codex Astartes, with the Chapter Master at the head, then the Company Masters, the lieutenants, sergeants, and finally, battle brothers. Members of groups such as the apothecarion and librarius fit into this hierarchy, with the lowest members being equal to sergeants, and their highest roughly that of the company masters.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Ranks & Titles

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