Reincarnate Spell in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Level: 4th
Skill Check: Knowledge (nature) DC 24, 3 Successes, Heal DC 30, 1 Success
Components: V, S, M, F (oils worth 1,000 gp) , SC (up to 5)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Effect: See text
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None, see text
Spell Resistance: No

Backlash: The caster takes 4d6 points of damage and all casters become fatigued.
Failure: The casters believe their work was successful, but after 1d4 rounds the body awakens as a zombie with a HD equal to the primary casters HD + 2. The soul of the creature you tried to reincarnate is lost. It cannot be returned to life by any means.

With this ritual you can bring back a dead creature into another body, provided its death occurred no more than 1 week before the casting of this ritual and the subject's soul is free and willing to return. If the subject's soul is not willing to return, the spell does not work.

Since the dead creature is returning to a new body, all physical ills and afflictions are repaired. The body must be largely intact for the spell to work. These wounds will heal as the reincarnate is cast and the soul return to the prepared body. Larger wounds such as severed limbs must be taken care of before casting the spell or the spell use the body and create a new body.

If no body or inferior body is supplied the ritual spell creates an entirely new, young adult body for the soul to inhabit. This process takes 1 hour to complete. When the body is ready, the subject is reincarnated. A reincarnated creature recalls the majority of its former life. It retains any class abilities, feats and skill ranks it formerly possessed. Its class, base attack bonus and base save bonuses are unchanged. Its ability scores depend partly on the new body. Eliminate the subject's racial adjustments (since it is no longer a member of its previous race) and apply the adjustments for it's new race.

The subject of the spell gains two permanent negative levels when it is reincarnated. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can't be reincarnated). A character who died with spells prepared has a 50% chance of losing any given spell upon being reincarnated. A spellcasting creature that doesn't prepare spells (such as a sorcerer) has a 50% chance of losing any given unused spell slot as if it had been used to cast a spell.

A creature that has been turned into an undead creature or killed by a death effect can't be returned to life by this spell. Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead creatures can't be reincarnated. The spell can bring back a creature that has died of old age. The new incarnation can be determined with the following table.

Table 4: Reincarnation Results
d100 Incarnation
01-06 Goblin
07-13 Halfling
14-18 Madilar
19-23 Sha
(Randomly select a subtype)
24-25 Orc
26-28 Human
29-34 Kobold
35-42 Elf
43-46 Gnome
47-50 Hobgoblin
51-55 Aasimar
56-60 Bugbear
61-67 Half-Orc
68-71 Half-Elf
72-75 Gnoll
76-80 Dwarf
81-90 Lizardfolk
91-97 Tiefling
98-99 Silvain
100 Game Masters Choice
Material Components
oils worth 1,000 gp
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 hour

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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