Rotrude Grubb Character in Imana | World Anvil
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Rotrude Grubb

Rotrude Grubb- Farfoot (a.k.a. Roe, Trudy, Roeroe)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rotrude's travel has taken a toll on her body. She has some minor chronic pain as well as the residual effects of diseases she contracted exploring the world's jungles.

Apparel & Accessories

Rotrude has several piercings on each ear, along with an assortment of jewelry that she wears in them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rotrude was born and raised in Al Ennore. Her parents were wealthy merchants. When was in her twenties, she stole a sack of coin from her parent's business and set out to explore the world. She bought rides on Lizardfolk ships for years. Eventually she made her way to Mudvein and fell in love with a local tavern owner - Nob Grubb. She would marry him. Although they had a happy marriage for years, Rotrude has grown to loathe her husband. She feels he doesn't listen to her needs, and they have very different ideas of what retirements should look like. Rotrude would like to settle back down in Al Ennore.


Rotrude recieved a simple formal education that her parents paid for. There she learned languages and math, along with bits of history and other subjects.


The only real job Rotrude has ever had is as the cook at her husband's tavern.

Failures & Embarrassments

As she has gotten older, the more Rotrude sees her decision to settle down as a failure. She misses the days of exploring the world and meeting new people. She feels, in her age, she doesn't have it in her to return to travel like she once did.

Morality & Philosophy

While generally an upstanding citizen, Rotrude has no qualms with taking things from others if it gets her further and she knows she won't be caught.

Personality Characteristics


Rotrude is motivaded by her desire to leave Mudvein. She's no longer happy to settle down in a small town. Although she doesn't have the strength or money to travel like she used to, she thinks returning to Al Ennore will prove to be more interesting.

Likes & Dislikes

Rotrude greatly enjoys meeting new people. She desires to get out of the kitchen and meet patrons whenever she can, but it actually happens much less than she'd like.


Nob Grubb

Husband (Important)

Towards Rotrude Grubb



Rotrude Grubb

Wife (Trivial)

Towards Nob Grubb




Nob and Rotrude met in Mudvein when Rotrude was traveling through and instantly fell in love. They married after dating for a little bit over a year. They disagree on what to do once they retire. Nob is set on returning to Oldhaven to retire, but Rotrude doesn't want to go to Oldhaven or stay on Mudvein. This negatively affected Rotrude's view on Nob. Nob, not being very perceptive of such things, hasn't noticed his wife's growing unhappiness over the past few years. Rotrude has been in a secret relationship with another man and tavern employee, Mermin Pinckney, since 108 AN.

Nicknames & Petnames

Being rather short already, Rotrude usually just calls Nob "Nob". On the other hand, Nob has all sorts of names for Rotrude: Roe, Trudy, Roeroe, and whatever else happens to pop into his head. Rotrude isn't a fan of all of the names, but has learned to live with it.

Legal Status


Mermin Pinckney

Lover (Vital)

Towards Rotrude Grubb



Rotrude Grubb

Lover (Important)

Towards Mermin Pinckney




Mermin and Rotrude met when Mermin was hired to work at The Mud Flow. For the first two years they worked together, their relationship remained strictly professional. Over time, largely due to Rotrude's frequent ranting about her relationship with her husband, Nob, Mermin fell in love with Rotrude. Their relationship grew over time, eventually culminating in an ongoing affair behind Nob's back. They desire to run away, possibly to Al Ennore, to make a life together, but have not yet saved up enough money to do so.   In 108, despite their efforts to remain secret in their relationship, Medard Underfoot, a Miner working in the Steelhammer Mines, saw Mermin and Rotrude sneaking off alone into the forest for some private time. Medard has begun blackmailing Rotrude and Mermin, threatening to reveal what he knows to Nob.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Mermin and Rotrude desire to leave Mudvein. They are tired of living in mud and want to make a life together somewhere else.

Shared Secrets

Their affair is currently a secret from Nob.

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Rotrude has little wealth of her own. Nob is insistent on handling the money. She is able to sneak away little bits of money without Nob realizing it.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
54 AN 58 Years old
Nob Grubb (Husband)
Mermin Pinckney (Lover)
Current Residence
Light blue with hints of green
Long and straight, mostly gray with hints of brown remaining, typically tied back into a large bun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3ft, 2in
Known Languages
Rotrude is fluent in Common, Halfling, Elvish, Draconic, Goblin, and Gnomish.
Ruled Locations

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