Kresk Character in Imana | World Anvil
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Kresk is currently serving his second term as Guardmaster of Mudvein. He is a career-long member of the Mudvein Town Guard, having served nearly twenty years so far.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kresk is extraordinarly fit, from frequent training for the guard. He proudly shows many scars from his years of defending the town.

Apparel & Accessories

Kresk wears the town's guard uniform over his chain shirt.

Mental characteristics


Kresk has no formal education, and his mother taught him little. Nearly all of what Kresk knows, he has learned from his employment, or from friends.


Kresk has spent his entire life as part of Mudvein Town Guard. He joined as a grunt as soon as he was old enough (with some strong coercion from his mother). Over twenty years of service, Kresk worked his way up the ladder to become the Guardmaster of Mudvein.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kresk successfully led the guard in defense of the town when it was attacked by a young green dragon that made it's home in the nearby Mud Forest.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kresk isn't an intellectually deep person. Conversations tend to be shallow. He is certainly plenty competent for his position, however.

Morality & Philosophy

Having spent most of his life under the strict guard regime, he views the towns laws as ultimate authority. He doesn't actually give thought to the morality of the laws themself, and enforces them even when it hurts more than helps.

Personality Characteristics


Kresk desires to make Mudvein the safest and most crime-free place in the region.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kresk has difficulty following complex topics and conversation. Those who are cunning can confuse him or get him to agree to things he normally would not.

Likes & Dislikes

Kresk likes bringing criminals to justice. He has a strong dislike for insubordination.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kresk has a tendency to push those under him harder than they can handle.


Kresk's hygiene is typical for goblins, but below what is standard for many other humanoids. He's not afraid to get dirty if work calls for it.


Family Ties

Kresk never knew his father, and assumes he is dead at this point. Kresk and his mother do not get along.

Social Aptitude

Kresk is absolutely not charismatic, but incredibly confident. His confidence is born out of necessity to lead others.

Hobbies & Pets

In what little bit of time Burchard Brockhouse requires Kresk to not work, he practices woodcarving. Most of his work is crude compared to what even an apprentice carpenter could produce.


Kresk's time in the guard has left him with a vocabulary full of insults and swearing regardless of who he is conversing with.

Wealth & Financial state

You would never know that Kresk is wealthy just by looking at him. He's never had the need for excess money, nor the desire to spend frivolously. This has left him with a stash of approximately 2,000gp.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Protecting Mudvein
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
1 Yaz Atla, 85 AN
Year of Birth
85 AN 27 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Kresk's birth was undesired. His mother never wanted him and he never new his father.
Current Residence
Mudvein Barracks - Central
Dark brown, sqinting
Sparse, scraggly black har
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green in the winter, darker green in the summer
Known Languages
Kresk speaks common and goblin fluently. He understands some phrases of halfling.
Ruled Locations

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