Mudvein Town Guard Military Formation in Imana | World Anvil
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Mudvein Town Guard

The Mudvein Town Guard exists to guard the town and nearby Steelhammer Mines from attack.



The guard is comprised of around 60 individuals, mostly Goblin. The guard is strictly voluntary enlistment, and is the most popular form of employment in Mudvein outside of the mines or farming.


Guards are equipped with shortbows or spears and shields. A few have light crossbows and swords.


The Guardmaster of Mudvein, currently Kresk, is in charge of the entire guard. He appoints three commanders to work under him. Each controls about 1/3rd of the guard at any given time. One is in control of the guards who guard the Steelhammer Mines and carts traveling to or from the mine. This group tends to be a little larger than the other two. Another third works on defence of Mudvein and guard training. The last third are involved in public works, such as town and road maintenance.   The 3 groups generally work on 2-week rotations. A group will guard the town one rotation, then guard the mine the next, then focus on public works the next rotation. Depending on the needs of the guard, some recruits may be moved to other rotations, usually with a small monetary compensation.


Defending the town is done from the walls when possible.


New guards are given a minimal amount of combat training, along with minimal continuing training. the Guardmaster would like to make this more extensive, but struggles to find the manpower to do so.



Guards are paid anywhere from 1sp per day for new recruits to 5sp for commanders. The Guardmaster is paid 2gp per day. In addition, the guard is provided room and board, as well as uniforms and equipment. Guards are housed in barracks spread throughout town (to allow faster response), and food is acquired through The Mud Flow at a special bulk rate.


Recruitment is done from the residents within Mudvein. It is entirely voluntary.
88 AN
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

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