Fresh Redrock Character in Im'raiel | World Anvil
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Fresh Redrock

Fresh Redrock (a.k.a. Neth Wildcoat / Young Lord)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and slender with a slight build.

Body Features

Has a set of ram-like ridged horns that grow around his ears, as well as a tail that is about three feet long with spines and a flared tip in a spade shape.

Identifying Characteristics

The burns along the left side of his face, torso and arm.

Physical quirks

His left forearm and hand is replaced with that of a devil's. His left forearm and hand is replaced with that of a devil's.

Special abilities

Devil Trigger. Destiny's Legacy attunement.

Apparel & Accessories

The golden chain necklace with a ruby pendent, which previously concealed Fresh's identity.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Learned the way of Spells & Swords. Mex'lai Portello taught him to be a Wizard. Harbor Dias taught him to be a swordsman.


These days, Fresh would be considered an adventurer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to return to The Infernal Isles in 1565 with allies. To this end, Fresh briefly reunited with his family and ceased the madness that plagued his father. With the aid of his fellow Gatekeepers, he also defeated Chaos the discordant devil. This brought an end to the second Fiend War almost as quickly as it began.

Failures & Embarrassments

Left his family and friend behind when originally leaving The Infernal Isles in 1564. Consequently, his tunnel-vision nature resulted in the death of his mentor at his father's hand.

Mental Trauma

Has a history with the spells "Wall of Fire" and "Immolation".

Intellectual Characteristics

Fresh is intensely analytical in almost everything he does, though finds it difficult to be empathetic towards others. He struggles with accepting the limitations of his abilities and knowledge, which fuels his anxious and worried nature. This reactive personality is reflected by his "quick to anger, slow to calm" temperament.

Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics



Likes & Dislikes

Likes The Gatekeepers. Disliked Chaos.

Personality Quirks

Covers his mouth when he smiles with teeth.


Pretty decent.


Contacts & Relations

  • The Gatekeepers
  • The Masters of the Universe
  • Gatetown Authorities
  • The Pirate Council
  • Volcanus Keep
  • Family Ties

    Fresh is the only son of Zharros & Embrace Redrock, he is also the older brother to Roxi Redrock. Worthy mention : Ćḩáôś, the devil that coincided with Zharros Redrock.

    Religious Views

    Religion has only been brought to Fresh's attention due to the way that his friends Flyint and Slate wield the power of their gods. Natasha Helkroft also brought back Fresh's life with the power of Bahumet. The ways in which these clerics and paladins utilise their faith has interested Fresh in finding his own religion too. Before the aid of Flyint, Fresh may have never even believed in the Gods or even found his own faith in Azuth.

    Social Aptitude

    Fresh has difficulty reading social cues and often finds himself listening in on conversations, offering his input after such interactions have happened.


    Often calls people by their surname or title if applicable.

    Hobbies & Pets

    1. Revenge Redrock the Raven
    2. Kiwo Portello the Tressym
    3. Henry "Big Iron" Wildcoat the frog




    Dorkibia Vander

    Long-suffering Childhood Friend (Vital)

    Towards Fresh Redrock



    Fresh Redrock

    Oblivious Childhood Friend (Vital)

    Towards Dorkibia Vander



    Nicknames & Petnames

    Freshie, Dork

    Shared Secrets

    Chaos' presence within Fresh's mind and dreams.

    Shared Acquaintances

    The Gatekeepers

    The Discordant Devil, Chaos

    Best Friend (Vital)

    Towards Fresh Redrock



    Fresh Redrock

    Mortal Enemy (Vital)

    Towards The Discordant Devil, Chaos



    The Mad King Zharros Redrock

    Father (Vital)

    Towards Fresh Redrock



    Fresh Redrock

    Son (Important)

    Towards The Mad King Zharros Redrock



    Wealth & Financial state

    Shares the group funds with his fellow Gatekeepers.

    Young Lord of the Infernal Isles who primarily wields fire magic to serve The Gatekeepers as their Bladesinger. Retribution upon Chaos achieved, he will continue to make this world a better place for the Redrock bloodline.

    Character Location
    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Fresh Prince.
  • Young Lord of the Isles.
  • Son.
  • Age
    21 Years Old
    Date of Birth
    9th of Sceptre, 1544
    On the Road
    Current Residence
    7 Goldfield Street
    Cyan, specifically intimidating like his fathers
    Dark Purple
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale Purple
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "How about 'The Gatekeepers'?" "I'm sure it's nothing." "Fuck OFF!" "I like to think that if one of them goes, they all go. Like us." "I need more power." "Power. I am Power!"
    Known Languages
    Common, Infernal. + Comprehend Languages.

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    Fire on Fire
    5th of Hallowscircle, 1564

    Fresh : "I love you." Dorkibia : "So do I."