The Goliath Mountain
Located to the north of Crestfall, the Yuris is a large mountain range reaching all the way to Iron City to the West. Few notable mountains make their claim in this range, besides the Goliath. Whilst not being the tallest, the Goliath is the widest mountain in the world stretching well over 3 miles.
Purpose / Function
The Goliath only has one purpose, to serve as the Beholder Fort base. At the very peak is the large Beholder fort, Castle Idalhorm. Long since abandoned, it has now become a tourist attraction for hikers and enthusiasts. Castle Idalhorm is a welcome site for most as on a good week, it usually takes about 3 days to get there.
The mountain path has recently been altered to be more tourist friendly. This being said, the path has never been easier for enthusiasts with a bit of money to spend. You can easily make the summit in 3 days if the weather permits.
The mountain and its castle is said to have experienced many hardships. However, most of these events are hidden in a deep catalog of events that happened right around the same time. Most of what was once known about this mountain has been lost in time, or by pure negligence. What little has been recovered is truly astonishing. The mountain was apparently once home to mountain golems before the Beholders took them out and wiped out their population. The war against the mountain golems cost over a thousand lives and the snow and dirt around the Goliath is covered in blood. Over a thousand years ago, the mountain was part of a large scale battle between two forces attempting to outsmart one another. The magical energy emitted from this battle was so large and powerful that its said to have shook the Wither and awoken something evil.
Geographic Feature
Parent Location
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