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High Commandant Thannis

High Commandant Analeis Thannis (a.k.a. The Black Dog Tamer)

After witnessing the brutal murder of her entire family, Analeis Thannis swore to become something the city of Crestfall could look up. With her magical prowess she quickly rose up the ranks of the Beholders. She became the youngest High Commandant in history when she reached the rank at the age of 30. Her magic is a combination of hard-light energy and speed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the 3rd daughter of her family and the runt at that, Analeis knew what it meant young to work for the things she wanted. And work she did. Her self motivation was that of a workhorse and she excelled at her school work in her early life. At the age of 8 tragedy struck. After coming home late, her father made the drunken mistake of leaving the door unlocked. It just happened that a local thug had seen this, he quickly made his way inside. After killing the father the man made his way door to door killing the family. Analeis' room was last. She hid under the bed huddled in fear. When the man kicked in the door Analeis screamed. It's then that her mana ignited and the only thing that they could recover of the murderer was his bloody entrails. Scarred and now homeless, Analeis floated through the broken system from one foster home to the next. Although distraught at her families sudden deaths, she now worked twice as hard for them. As soon as she was able she enrolled in private school. Her teachers were enamored with her and a young Commandant Vechel took notice. It was around this time that she began teaching Analeis more refined mana-techniques and ways to defend herself. As their relationship grew and strengthened it was only right that Vechel adopted Analeis to give her a more steady path. This is when Analeis was set on her path. She knew she wanted to become a Beholder but more than anything, she wanted to lead the Beholders to a new golden age in the city. 6 Years of private teachings, training and apprentice work and Thannis was a Beholder. Her years of service leading up to her biggest goal are legendary. She took down multiple black magic circles, high powered magi, summoned demons and even a dragon. Her ability to direct her mana flow into hard-light was unique and powerful. It became so well known that it became the basis of an entire school of Beholder training, the school of the Arch Griffin. It was around 2099 that she had a run-in with the Black Dog. As she tells it, the dog was standing in her doorway just out of the light. Unafraid, and aware of the tale, she not only yelled at it but charged head on to it. As she did she reached out and gripped onto its fur with an extended hard-light hand. As the dog dissipated into smoke, so did Thannis. But she did not die. They both appeared in a pitch black mirror dimension. Thannis shouted at the dog to take her back, and to her surprise the Black Dog answered back. Its a demon, stuck in the mirror dimension being tormented by stronger demons. It swears fealty to Analeis and it became a massive part of her intrigue and power.

Gender Identity

Female. She/her




6 years of private lessons from Commandant Vechel alongside 3 years of required Beholder training. While she did all of this she also devoted 2 hours of personal training with her hard-light everyday.

Mental Trauma

The death of her entire family gave her permanent mental scars. It prevented her from developing close personal relationships with most people in her life. It also made her extremely hard and analytical.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, Analytical, Strong, Leader, Persuasive

Morality & Philosophy

As she became deeper entrenched in Crestfall politics, her morality was questioned. The city was evil, and she was the light. But as the evil kept filling in and began to cover her, her light began to fade. She became more cold and distant in the years before her death. Her tactics were brilliant as ever, and magic crime had seen a massive dip in casualties under her reign. But, the personal toll was that she lost most of those close to her.


Black magic and necromancy Thannis put down with extreme prejudice. Both as her time as a beat Beholder and as a Commandant.
Current Location
2070 DK 2110 DK 40 years old
Circumstances of Death
The High Commandant perished after fighting the demon Spiroth as it took Del Brannen and Tokaboshi. The wounds she recieved were to grievous and she made her last request to make the next High Commandant her close compatriot, Torval Heimreath.
Dark grey, calm
Dark black, shaved
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
130 lbs
Known Languages
Basic, Orcish, Elvish, and some Impish.

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