Bygone Isles Geographic Location in Ilarium | World Anvil
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Bygone Isles

The Bygone Islands are a chain formed from the continuation of the Mountains of Razdún into the ocean south of Ilarium.   The largest island is called Hoa Noho. Around 12 hours travel Eastward is the island of Bygone Isles" href="/w/ilarium-Hardiman12/a/motu-article">Motu, from which Taowhiri hails


The islands are near-Tropical in nature, with sandy soil and heavy foliage on their upper reaches. Islands vary in size from those large enough to hold settlements to nubs of rock. The largest, Hoa Noho, is roughly shaped like an arrowhead, with the points making an equilateral triangle, and is 27 miles across at its widest point

Fauna & Flora

Tropical trees and flora.   Heavy abudance of ocean fauna.

Natural Resources

Wood from trees. Sandstone.
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