Twin god (2) Character in Iklarel | World Anvil
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Twin god (2)

god of Assassins & Stealth

Often worshipped along side his twin, no one knows the name of the god of assassins and stealth, or that of his sister, the goddess of thievery, trickery, and espionage. Rumours are that anyone who does find out are never long for this world.

Divine Domains

Assassins and Stealth

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Bloody dagger

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Young, short, and lithe.

Body Features

China white skin

Facial Features

pixie like facial features

Special abilities

Sometimes takes form of a panther

Apparel & Accessories

tight black leather armour.

Specialized Equipment

Carries a dagger

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic Evil


Family Ties

twins with the goddess of thievery, trickery, and espionage
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chaotic Evil
Slitted purple eyes
Straight short pastel pink hair

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