Dryad Species in Ifiron | World Anvil


This was a first for Aien. He'd manage to get himself lost. Aien was relieved that he was lost in the Alluring Forest, anywhere else and he might be in serious danger. At least here his greatest threat was starvation and the elements, both he was experienced in dealing with. Aien wasn't panicking, but he'd have to find shelter soon and figure out what dinner would be.   After some time walking, Aien came across a pond. At its edge sat a beautiful woman with golden blond hair. She was washing herself off in the pond. Aien started to look away, but his curiosity got the better of him. He sat and continued to watch the woman. She turned in his direction and smile. With a finger, she ushered him to her.   Without thinking his body started to move. He lost all other thoughts, entrapped by her beauty. Aien walked to the pond's edge near the alluring woman. A massive rock rested at the edge of the water. It was there that the woman rested her arms, still bathing. She ushered him closer seductively with a finger. Aien leaned down, getting onto his knees. He got close to her face. As she was about to kiss him, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the pond.   Aien thrashed about before standing up in the pond, soaked head to toe. The woman was laughing. At first Aien was frustrated, but seeing the joyous look on her face made him smile. He splashed water in her direction. They played in the pond, enjoying the sunlight.   Soon the sun hung low in the sky. Aien noticed that they had been distracted with swimming and playing. He needed to get dry before nightfall. The woman pulled herself out of the water and wrung out her hair.   "I have to get going, I need to find food and shelter," Aien said. He didn't want to leave the woman behind.   She looked up at him, a look of heartache. Then a light came to her eye. "Come with me. I can get you both!"   "Do you live nearby?"   "Yes!"   She stood, grabbed his hand, and pulled him deeper into the forest. Aien was overjoyed. His stomach growled. She brought him to a great Ash tree. It looked incredibly old but still healthy. There was a calm energy about it.   "Wait here," she said. The woman sprinted off into the forest. Aien looked around the tree. He didn't see any kind of shelter. He did see how high the tree stood. He chose to climb it to see how far he might be from home. It took him some time, but he finally made it high enough above the tree line. He could see the Guardian of the Forest. It was a ways out but it would only take him a day or two to get back.   Aien climbed down and started to shiver. "Are you cold?"   Aien jumped. Standing behind him was the woman, in her hands were berries and fruits. The way she held them exaggerated her curves. Aien nearly forgot how cold he was. The woman sat down the fresh berries and fruits onto a group of leaves. She went to Aien and helped pull his wet shirt off of him. Her hands ran down his chest. She helped get him undressed and hung his clothes on one of the branches.   "Where is it that you stay?"   "Right, here. This tree is my home."   The woman put her hand back on her chest. "You're so cold"   She pressed her body against his. Aien ushered them to lay down. The woman wrapped herself around him. Grabbing berries Aien and the woman ate. Aien was feeling warmer with the woman nearby. After a moment of staring each other in the eye, Aien reach out and kissed her. They embraced and slept well that night.  
  The next morning Aien found the woman was gone. He gathered his clothes, which were surprisingly dry. Not questioning it, he dressed himself and took off toward the Guardian. A few days later he walked into town. One of the guards jaw dropped.   "Aien...you're alive?"   "Of course. I just got a little lost. Hope I didn't miss anything."   The guard was dumbstruck. "Aien. You've been gone for 30 years."

Basic Information


Dryads appear as young elven women.

Biological Traits

Dryads have a magical ability to charm living creatures. They only charm those they are attracted to. They will keep someone with them for as long as they remain attracted to them since they live for so much longer than most other species.   Dryads have the magical ability to cast the spell barkskin to protect themselves. They also have the ability to step through any tree to return to their home tree. If a Dryad leaves more than 2 miles from their home tree they begin to die, getting weaker and losing some of their natural abilities. If they are like this for more than 2 weeks, they die and the tree will also wither and die as the two are completely interconnected. Damaging the tree causes intense pain to the Dryad.   A Dryad can speak to any plant and can communicate with small animals.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dryads mate with males from non-Dryad humanoid species. If the child is female it will result in another Dryad. If it is a male (which is incredibly rare) will result in a Demidryad.

Growth Rate & Stages

A young dryad spends its youth with the mother Dryad. When she comes of age she must venture out to find her own Ash tree where she will bond with a tree for the remainder of her life.   As the tree she is bound to dies, she cannot bond to another tree. Instead, she will begin to wither and die in the same process for when she wanders too far from her tree.

Ecology and Habitats

Dryads exist exclusively in forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As long as the Dryad's home tree gains the necessary nutrients, the Dryad requires no food or sunlight.

Biological Cycle

As the seasons change a Dryad's appearance will change. In the spring her skin and hair turns green. In the summer her skin is a golden color with blond hair, this is the point she looks the most like an elf. In the fall her skin becomes a tanned color and her hair becomes a vibrant red or orange.   In the winter a Dryad hibernates inside their home tree as the tree also enters a sleeping state. This is the most vulnerable that a Dryad becomes.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Parts of a Dryad or a Dryad's home tree can be used for potions of speak with plants.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Dryads can only be found in the Alluring Forest. These are not to be confused with Forest Nymph which can transform into trees.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dryads have the ability to see through their home ash tree regardless of their location.

Civilization and Culture


It is said that the first Dryad was once a beautiful woman, cursed to be bound to a tree by a powerful Fey. They have been protectors of the forest and symbols of beauty. They are also a cautionary tale that Druids tell of being distracted by beauty.
The Lifespan of its Home Tree
Conservation Status
On Itherion in the Alluring Forest the Druids have spent a lot of time making sure that the Dryads are kept safe. It is in the Alluring forest that the only Dryads exist on Itherion. The remainder of the continent is too hostile for them to live.


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