Angel Species in Ifiron | World Anvil


The Chaos of Creation

  Angels are beings belonging to the plane of chaotic creation Arborea. They are responsible for the creation of all sorts of creatures and plants. These creatures and plants make their way throughout the outer planes to populate them.

Basic Information


Angels appear to be Humans but with large feathered wings. The wings however do not appear to supply the angel with the ability to fly as they do not need to flap their wings to take flight. Their facial features vary from angel to angel, appearing in the whole spectrum of masculine to feminine with skin tones and hair color being just as varied. Their wings however are usually always a bleached white and do not stain with most substances, leaving some scholars to question if the wings are actually there or simply illusions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Angels do not appear to reproduce. When they die they are simply reformed without their memories.   However when they take on a humanoid form they are capable of reproduction, the result of such union produces a half-angel.

Growth Rate & Stages

Angels to not appear to change or grow old. When they are formed they will remain that way until they are destroyed. It is theorized that the longer and angel survives the more powerful it will become. This is the running theory behind the Archangels of Arborea.

Ecology and Habitats

The home of the angels is Arborea but it is not unheard of for them to venture outside of the Endless Forest. Some will travel to the paradise plane of Elysium to converse with the deceased that reside there. On rare occasions they will travel to the Material Plane to interact with the living and even walk among them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Angels do not appear to require food, but it is capable of consumption. Many angels enjoy the food from mortals.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their perceptions range depending on the strength of the angel. Weaker angels can see in the dark while more powerful angels have the ability to see through illusions.   Most angels also have some innate spellcasting including a healing touch. In addition they are capable of changing shape to something humanoid or a beast. This plays a lot into the lore surrounding them.
Genetic Descendants


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