August's pen Item in Idyll | World Anvil

August's pen

-I don't know Auge, I don't like that pen.
-Yeah, it has a weird smell.
-It's just an old pen folks, chill. If filling it with ink doesn't work I'll throw it away...well, after removing the tiny jewels.
  While out on an adventure together with his Housemates August found this jewel-encrusted golden pen. He had lost his own well-loved pencil during the adventure so he picked it up even though the pen appeared to be out of ink.   When they all arrived home August tried to open the pen up to fill it with ink but he couldn't manage. It appeared that the pen was gold all the way through. Which didn't explain the ink nib. He found it odd that someone would create a fake pen.   August put it next to him while searching through his desk for another pen. He got a papercut while searching through his papers but that didn't bother him. When he didn't find any pens he put the jeweled pen in his pocket to bring it to the market with him to trade for some real pens.   At the market, August traded the jeweled pen for several new pens, a couple of bottles of ink both to fills his pens with but also for use with his quills, a gift for his partner, and paper so he couple make a new notebook.   A couple of weeks later one of August's aquaintances stepped in to talk about work. The aquaintances pulled the jeweled pen out of their pocket and handed it to August saying that it had to be August's because of the mana ink in it. August frowned but took the pen back. It appeared that he couldn't get rid of it.   Later that day August and Zamarca threw the jeweled pen in a pond and when August put his hand in his pockets he found the pen there again. Zamarca worried about it but August was relieved that he didn't have to worry about losing pens anymore.
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Jul 13, 2021 03:36 by Stormbril

"August was relieved that he didn't have to worry about losing pens anymore. "   Hah! I love it! That'd be my reaction, too. I love me a good magic pen that just keeps coming back, this is great.

Jul 13, 2021 16:23 by Dragon

Yep! He will never have to search for pens, not find any and have to head to the store to get some (only to find a bunch of them later when he doesn't need them) again. XD;;

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