The Emerald Eyes Organization in Hyr [The Forbidden Isles] | World Anvil
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The Emerald Eyes

Founded just eighty-five years ago by Kieran Kyne, the Emerald Eyes is one of the youngest companies in existence, and one with a strict set of principles to uphold. Founded upon the idea that companies shouldn’t merely be savages who pursue gold at the expense of humanity, they operate by a standard of ‘just conduct’ in times of battle, meaning they are explicitly forbidden from attacking innocents, with civilians only being investigated when relevant to the whereabouts of targets or rival companies. It is even said that when killing opponents, the captain-general Kyne will send a sum of money to the family of the fallen opponent, though this only appears to be in more personal or high profile cases, and certainly not for the more repugnant opponents.       Notable members of the Emerald Eyes include;   Symon Kyne, Captain-general and respected organiser of military operations, commanding battles and negotiating with other organisations. Plans out the greater scope of conflicts and has ties to political figures, though prefers to stay aloft from them whenever possible. Is fiercely opposed to The Company of the Claw over certain circumstances.   Captain Syrbii, master of the axe, as well as two fully grown bull tuskers, Mikrael and Nikolai, whom he considers as sons. A very big, bearded @Vulgar man, Syrbii can often be mistaken for dumb muscle, charging into battle with a two-handed Vunkish axe, but in truth he assists in handling the finances of the group when not training for battle. Protective to the end, Syrbii is a figure most would prefer not to cross with one-on-one.   Kirayibo, the oldest member of the group, and second in command. An albino Yamachai rider, he served as leader of the Yamachai Exile cavalry before it was beaten and assimilated by Kieran Kyne, in which he joined the company. An accomplished duel-wielder of swords, a skill difficult even among Yamachai, he also is well trained on horseback and manages battle operations, an expert of many conflicts with decades of experience. He also serves as the company’s historian of sorts.   Captain Vai Luku, a former human slave coming from the Silver Sun’s northern cities, she and her crew escaped during a mutiny among the army and found themselves as part of Symon’s ranks, being recruited into pikemen. Luku herself commands the spy element of the Eyes, managing espionage and intricate missions. Preferring discreet acts over battle, she often is the one to instruct Dennys on particular targets.   Captain Riguoli Velcinio, a former Illustrian aristocrat and the chief financier of the group as well as an expert knife thrower from his days performing at circuses in Illustrio. He also manages diplomacy and uniforms for the others, ensuring that outfits are tailor made in Illustrio for his teammates.   Captain Dikkard Kiv, an old Mekonian centaur and former member of the Grey Guard who served as an expert archer defending against Jazyart raids, he is an accomplished fighter in battle, and seeks a life for his family, taking on jobs to provide for them.   Dennys, a cold and ruthless assassin at heart, is not a sociable young man by any means, preferring to take targets discreetly and be paid once the contract is complete. Not phased by personal attachments nor by grudges, he is loyal to the extent of consistent pay and protection, and little else. Nevertheless, he does not mind his current company and sees no reason to change for now.   Kassandra, Symon’s ex-wife, is the keeper of the Emerald Eyes’ ships when not on land. She serves as a patron for them and can even take command when Symon isn’t present. The other members offer her respect for this.   Byabo, a man from a land beyond the borders of the world known to the Dominion, somewhere east of the Silver Sun. Rarely seen by anyone except Symon and sometimes Luka, he serves as a scout and informant for the group, and while mostly away, it is said he is returning soon.   Alice; a former taverngirl who took on the company five years ago after Symon’s insistence. Smart and with connections to Phurzia’s poorer society, Symon sees her almost as a daughter he never had.   And the latest recruits;   Orek Steele, a freelancer who is just coming into his own after achieving local celebrity status after killing the notorious bandit known as ‘Thunderblade’ and is joining up to take on a contract.   Tzuli, Orek’s fighting companion. An esteemed Vrain fighter, they are the stealthiest member of the group and using smaller units, are able sneak into even tightly held spaces and carry out reconnaissance.


Under the captain-general, the captains are loosely organised in control of particular roles, with some commanding troops, others managing finance and others being used for more stealthy missions, blurring in with assassin work and scouting.

Public Agenda

The Eyes are seen to many as being a more ethical group of mercenaries, particularly upon the ascension of their new captain, Symon Kyne, who aims to restore his great grandfather's convictions. An attitude of generosity and hospitality to the poor makes them popular in lower Phurzia and elsewhere for recruits. While not having the budget or grandiosity of some other companies, their humility makes them more popular among the empathetic leaders of society. Nevertheless as mercenaries, they still typically go for the highest bidder, and are not above breaking contract if a higher offer is available.


Symon’s kinetycist curved sword, an exceptionally rare and valuable weapon, and emerald-eye are signs of wealth he has accumulated by slaying rich opponents as well as for symbolic demonstrations, but the Eyes do have a decent amount of wealth at their disposal besides this, having enough resources to afford troops, a hundred or so workers, horses and camels, as well as three ships named the ‘Evergreens’ who vary from bay to bay. Nomadic, they currently have no permanent headquarters, though the houses of members can serve for temporary meetings of the leaders.


Founded in the aftermath of Kovnigrod massacre, where the defunct Black Suns sacked the Vulgar city even after it had paid the contract, Kieran Kyne vowed that mercenary companies should not merely stand for money and bloodshed, but ought to show gratitude for their pay with generosity to the poor. Using strict codes of conduct, he ensured that any civilian casualties in his battles were minimised or eliminated, and any of his men found guilty of crimes such as rape, unwarranted killing or confiscation of property from the poor or veterans would be executed.


Altogether, in its current form, the Emerald Eyes possesses a force of over two-thousand, six hundred forces, including fifteen-hundred human infantry, five hundred Dunos consisting each of one man and one centaur, and one hundred Yamachai exile riders, along with two fully grown bull tuskers, Mikrael and Nikolai.

An eye for trouble, and an eye for glory

Founding Date
678 AF
Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
The Green Gang, the Emeralds, the Eyes
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Eyes, Green-Men, little green men.
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Economic System
Judicial Body
Kiyaribo tends to serve disciplinary action whenever particularly rebellious soldiers or other captains step out of line, depending on the circumstances. Syrbii often takes the role of personal executioner, due to already owing a big axe for the job.
Notable Members

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