World War III Military Conflict in Hunting Ghost Ships | World Anvil
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World War III

World War III, Also known as the Last World War, or sometimes the Final War was a major worldwide military conflict which resulted in the near extinction of the human race and the presumed destruction of every settlement outside of St Helena.

The Conflict


Tensions began to rise as early as 2016, where divides began to become more clear as governments started to become more extreme. Populations also began to become wary of people they perceived as different, both in response to new radical leaders and to the War on Terror. As governments became more extreme tensions rose to the point where wars began breaking out.


Nuclear and biological weapons were released on the populations of many world powers, which resulted in many deaths. Eventually countries released enough nuclear weapons on enough locations that almost the entire population of Earth was wiped out.


The war took place over much of Earth, but most of the war was fought using ICBM's.


Conditions worsened quickly as hospitals all over the world had to deal with a sudden influx of patients suffering from serious radiation issues. The economy crashed, meaning that people were unable to buy enough food to feed themselves and more people died of starvation.


Global temperature rise, economy crash, more people in hospitals for radiation related injuries.


Near extinction of the human race, a lot of technology and knowledge lost, radiation, nuclear winter.

Historical Significance

Not much is known about the conflict as most records were not kept on St Helena, and were therefore wiped out.


The war was, and will probably always be, the worst conflict in human history.

In Literature

World War III, the final war, was written in an attempt to record the events to the best of the writer's limited knowledge.

Technological Advancement

A lot of technology lost.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Reduction in the population from 8 billion to 347, Both sides wiped out.


One side
The other side


Nuclear and biochemical weapons.
Nuclear and Biochemical weapons


Wiped out
Wped out.


Destroy the other side.
Destroy the other side

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