Pass Warden Rank/Title in Huldath | World Anvil
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Pass Warden

The Passwarden is an elected official who, once voted into power, remains there until their death. Often chosen for being outstanding members of the community or for their service to the town. the Passwarden has the final say in matters relating to the city and its inhabitants and acts as the High Arbiter in disputes between Lesser-Warden's.   Lesser-Wardens must vote with 75% unity to remove a sitting Passwarden.    They Work Closely with the High Watcher of Horga the Sentinel's Church especially on matters concerning citizens.


Any Pass-Warden Must have served as a Lesser-warden for a minimum of 20 years before being eligible for election.


The Council of Lesser-Wardens will convene on the death of a sitting Pass-Warden to install a new one.


All Pass-Wardens are given leave to live within the Passwatch Keep

Accoutrements & Equipment

Pass-Wardens Retain a magical key that, when broken, will seal Daradun's pass. This is granted as an emergency measure in case of invasion.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Form of Address
Warden, Great Warden
Source of Authority
Lesser-Wardens Council
Length of Term
Reports directly to
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