Korall Barain Yf Character in HTML Wanderpus | World Anvil
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Korall Barain Yf

Korall Barain Yf (a.k.a. Deepwalker)

My name is Korall and I'm here to learn. I've got tons passion and time to burn! Don't be scared by the helmet, I'm honestly lovely. You could call me the deep sea's most bright and bubbly! With a glowy blinky face I'll light the way. Follow me friends, and we shan't go astray! I'll do my best not to let you down. Now come on and smile, do away with that frown!   Next verse of this lyric, I can tell that you're nervous. To set you at ease, let me tell you my purpose. Observation and discovery, that's why my eye's so huge. My dedication to knowledge, that I'm sure I'll prove. Now come with me friends, open your eyes and; accompany this Seeker on bright new horizons!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, statuesque, hefty.   A look at your average Aquaforged: https://www.pinterest.de/CamOrraOrraOrra/wonkworld/aqwarforged/

Body Features

A walking diving suit with a glowing viewport for an eye. His body under the uniform is dull and metallic and made from material sturdy enough to withstand the pressures of the deep sea.

Facial Features

A glowing viewport with a hint of a silhouette of a head within, occluded by a big happy face etched/runed into the glass with an arcane sigil.

Identifying Characteristics

He's a gods-damn magic ocean robot.

Physical quirks

Despite his weight, his gait is even and smooth. He constantly needs to polish and maintain the patina on his surface, not for practicality, but aesthetics.

Special abilities

1.Magic Strike 2.Kindle 3.Clap 4.Blink 5.Gate 6.Sense Magic

Apparel & Accessories

A dastar with a six-pointed star pinning it together on his head and a uniform that had to be tailored extra broad. Despite this, it fits neatly and precisely over his body, thanks to non-fluctuating dimensions. Additionally, he decorates himself with loose, colourful sashes around his shoulders and waist. Additionally carries a sling bag with a variety of knick-knacks hanging from it; a set of ocean-proof writing equipment; and leather sleeve which hangs off his belt, holding a set of metal sheets with 'faces' cut out on them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Korral did not originate from Liminal, rather from a world almost as oceanic and submerged.   He comes from a culture of artificial, sub-oceanic androids that refer to themselves as the Seekers, but most simply refer to them as Aquaforged.   Their creators were indolent philosophers whose creations came to sentience not long before they died off, but those events were not linked, contrary to what many doomsayers often claimed.   Left with no masters and no predetermined direction, they explored their newfound sapience and intelligence by establishing the Quorum, a system of philosophical and debate focused governance that prizes patience and caution, with no decision being concluded before all members of the Seekers give their say and a democratic decision is drawn.   Korral was an oddball among the Seekers, an impulsive explorer and a Wordsmith, a wizard that casts his magic by bashing words and nomenclature together. He lusted for fresh information and knowledge, which inevitably lead to him tripping through a Rift at the bottom of the sea into the oceans of Liminal.   With a whole new world to explore and the possibility of more out there, Korral had stumbled into his dream come true. After learning that Lockstitch offered the chance to explore them, he flung himself applying for the academy and eventually the HTML Wanderpus' maiden missions.

Gender Identity

Considers himself a dude


A like-a da ladies.


During his time at Lockstitch, Korral threw himself into studying about Liminal and the subject of Rifts with zest. He specialized his studies in cultural and natural sciences, with a particular focus on anthropology and sociology, as the varied modes of governance and cultures fascinated him.   On the social end of things, Korral was not deterred by his own uncanny appearance and outside status. He did his level best to try and close the gap, learning social norms and taboos and approaching social learning with the same enthusiasm as he did academic learning.   Some of his odder quirks were fashioning a set of sheet metal 'faces' so that he could better express himself and etching a friendly, welcoming face into his viewport.   During the final exam, he; (16) performed reluctantly, but effectively, using a mixture of prepositional and accusatory Wordsmithing, navigating the course and subduing his opponent with relative ease. (139 seconds left) dismantled the bomb quickly and methodically with quick application of inductive reasoning and steady nerves. (14 health left) used his steel trap of a mind to recall the proper ingredients needed to brew a concoction to 'heal' their proctor. (18) with confidence and curiosity in equal measure, strode toward the well and vaulted into it, dropped to the bottom and immediately set to work stitching the Rift shut. His work was quick, precise and even, leading to a well-stitched Rift that shut before anything could slip through.


Science Officer, Cultural Research


Character: The destruction of knowledge; the stymying of thought and exploration; the murder of minds with great potential   Player: I'm down for most anything that isn't overtly cruel or disgusting.

Personality Characteristics


Explore and learn EVERYTHING!

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Theory and its application, picking up new things, making new friends.   Ineptitudes: Reading the room, patience where it matters, over-rationalization.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes tinkering, reading, writing, wordplay, cheap and well written romance novels and seeing new people and places.   Dislikes anti-intellectualism, impulsiveness, rust, rot and barnacles.


Contacts & Relations

Not much to speak of, but is eager to form new ones.

Family Ties

None to speak of, besides the Quorum.

Religious Views

What will come will come. Enjoyment, enlightenment and ascension should pursued in the now, not awaited in some afterlife. When one passes from this life, that is when they should concern themselves with the affairs of the next.   Beyond that, it is not even certain if he has a soul to speak of.

Social Aptitude

Trying his best.


Polite, but sometimes doesn't know where to stop prying.

Hobbies & Pets

Tinkering, reading, organizing his notes, learning new forms of diction and composing works of lyrical prose.


Slow, measured, friendly, rolls his Rs.

Wealth & Financial state

What he has on him.

I am an Aquaforged, creation of artifice built for walking the bottom of the seas. I enjoy wordplay and cataloguing whatever I see in the world. I'm cheerful, friendly, a bit of a neat freak and I rock a swimsuit bod.

View Character Profile
Lawful Curious
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
Really couldn't tell you
An ancient, sub-oceanic city
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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