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Corzipa Gavon

Corzipa Gavon

  Growing up in the household of Gavon as the eldest child of the grand Admiral Zaroda Gavon, Corzipa was placed with incredibly high expectations amongst her family and the City Corinthos to take on a role in the military and become the next Grand Admiral of Corinthos a title her family has held for 2 centuries. Corzipa at a young age was taught tactics, fencing, proper decorum with the rest of her seven siblings. Due to this nonstandard upbringing, Cozipa grew up to have perfect manners, and perfect professionalism at all times. Joining the navy at the first chance she could she rapidly rose through the ranks becoming an officer early in her career aboard one of Corinthos's larger dreadnaughts.   On a routine mission to support Arcological endeavors, Corzipa found herself separated from the main grew unbeknownst to her, her fellow sailors had abandoned her due to her so they could ditch the prude. Venturing deeper into the ruins they were exploring Corzipa would find a stone floating in the center of a large room generating a green blackish glow she would find herself drawn to it. Slithering forward she would reach out and with a single touch searing pain would travel through her body before blacking out   Found later by the group that had abandoned her she would be rushed pack to the dreadnaught as deep blackish veins would begin to travel up her right arm the floating stone gone. Back aboard the dreadnaught Corzipa's right side would twist and change spine growing across her arms and single large horn sprouting from her temple and her skin changing to dark green. Docter would halt the change slowing but not before it caused incurable side effects. Bout's of wraith and massive mood swings plagued Corzipa forcing her to slowly but surely realize her entire life's point was no longer attainable. This would all come to head when she would be booted from the dreadnaught and told by the Grand Admiral that her younger brother was now the one the family would be looking at to continue the legacy. Heartbroken Corzipa would find her seld ousted from her family and alone.   Looking for a purpose she would hear rumors of a new ship the HTML Wanderpuss she would submit a formal petition to the admiralty board to be transferred over as the Gunnery officer for the new vessel. Corzipa would vow to show her father despite her new mental instability that she could still be of use to her family.   Cannons roar, and the earth shake, Fear Corzipa's wraith.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Massive Snake tail.

Facial Features

Large blackened horn Erupting from her right temple.

Physical quirks

Black Scalia on her right eye Blackened horn from her head

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in the household of Gavon as the eldest child of the grand Admiral Zaroda Gavon, Corzipa was placed with incredibly high expectations amongst her family and the City Corinthos to take on a role in the military and become the next Grand Admiral of Corinthos a title her family has held for 2 centuries. Corzipa at a young age was taught tactics, fencing, proper decorum with the rest of her seven siblings. Due to this nonstandard upbringing, Cozipa grew up to have perfect manners, and perfect professionalism at all times. Joining the navy at the first chance she could she rapidly rose through the ranks becoming an officer early in her career aboard one of Corinthos's larger dreadnaughts. On a routine mission to support Arcological endeavors, Corzipa found herself separated from the main grew unbeknownst to her, her fellow sailors had abandoned her due to her so they could ditch the prude. Venturing deeper into the ruins they were exploring Corzipa would find a stone floating in the center of a large room generating a green blackish glow she would find herself drawn to it. Slithering forward she would reach out and with a single touch searing pain would travel through her body before blacking out   Found later by the group that had abandoned her she would be rushed pack to the dreadnaught as deep blackish veins would begin to travel up her right arm the floating stone gone. Back aboard the dreadnaught Corzipa's right side would twist and change spine growing across her arms and single large horn sprouting from her temple and her skin changing to dark green. Docter would halt the change slowing but not before it caused incurable side effects. Bout's of wraith and massive mood swings plagued Corzipa forcing her to slowly but surely realize her entire life's point was no longer attainable. This would all come to head when she would be booted from the dreadnaught and told by the Grand Admiral that her younger brother was now the one the family would be looking at to continue the legacy. Heartbroken Corzipa would find her seld ousted from her family and alone.   Looking for a purpose she would hear rumors of a new ship the HTML Wanderpuss she would submit a formal petition to the admiralty board to be transferred over as the Gunnery officer for the new vessel. Corzipa would vow to show her father despite her new mental instability that she could still be of use to her family.   Cannons roar and the earth shake's Fear Corzipa's wraith.




Degree in Ballistic's science Degree in Military Science Degree in Mathematics Educated at Corinthos Military school


Dishonorable Discharge from Corinthos Navy Served as Head Gunnery officer of CRN Thunder Currently Serves on HTML Wanderpus as Gunnery officer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became Gunnery officer of the CRN Thunder Rose to Staff Officer in Corinthian Navy at 21

Failures & Embarrassments

Her failure to be considered a good Citizen to Corinthos

Mental Trauma

Touch a stone artifact that forced changes to her mental health.


All ships must be mounted with guns

Personality Characteristics


Proving to her family and Corinthos that she can still be userfull

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Protein, Discipline, organization, Dislikes disorganization, Lack of cannon fire

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Wraithfull, and Foul tempered


Maintains an Emcaulate appereance


Contacts & Relations

Daughter to Grand-Admiral of Corinthos Zaroda Gavon Niece to Surgeon-General Galzena Gavon

Hailing from the cold bronze-covered fortress city of Corinthos, the Large and imposing Gunnery officer stands proud and disciplined, Touched by something otherworldly twisting her mind and shape into something cruel.

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Current Residence
HTML Wandpuss
Gold with black scelia on her right eye
Black Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
645 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Firepower is the solution of all life's problems"

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