Ranoi'Qua Settlement in Honga, The Exo World | World Anvil
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  The largest and titular settlement of the Ranoi people.  
A typical Ranoi villager, although Ranoi culture is very individualistic, so any given person may express it differently.


Ranoi ethnicity is not strongly predicated on actual genetics. As a historically nomadic people, the Ranoi mingled with many people and other Flatlanders. Adoption and acceptance of Ranoi culture is viewed as the main indicator of Ranoi ethnicity. In this way, outsides can be integrated into the culture and eventually accepted as a Ranoi.


Tribal, Elder based leadership. The oldest 3 men and 3 women form an Elder Council. Other prospective Elders (4th oldest, etc) usually have influence and are allowed to attend meetings, etc.


~75 Lookouts, Guards, and Peacekeepers. Almost every able-bodied Ranoi would take up arms to defend their homeland if threatened, and many are trained in basic martial combat. Even children are taught to load Crankbows for adults to fire in times of need.   A South-west lookout tower on the road from the Mountain Pass, and another to the South-East side of the village, overlooking the main road entrance.
~400-500 citizens

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