Xeno Spire Building / Landmark in Hive world Dathnor 40k | World Anvil
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Xeno Spire

The Xeno Spire as it is unofficially called, is the spire where most of the Abhuman's and very rarely Aeldari, are sent for processing before they are allowed into the Hive world a large. Most tend to stay with-in the spire itself to conduct their business.

Purpose / Function

Spires can be considered large citys with-in the main hive city, and this one is no different. While humans still make up most of the population you will be able to find a higher degree of abhumans here, and very rarely Aeldari. Most of them also live in this spire if they can, and you will be able to find more xeno tech in this area. While xeno tech is still outlawed it is often overlooked in this area.


Each hive takes the form of many huge spires which rise from the base of the city. From a distance, a hive resembles a mass of stalagmites rising from the cloud strewn wastes. The Xeno spire is the smallest of the other two spires that surround the hive. But it still reaches the sky at 7 miles tall.
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