Lower Hive Settlement in Hive world Dathnor 40k | World Anvil
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Lower Hive

The Lower Hive is the layer of the hive city that lies just above the Underhive. It is comprised of the city's industrial sectors and working class residential housing. The people of this level make up the majority of any hive city's population and are responsible for maintaining and operating the hive's manufactorums and power plants to keep the rest of the hive fed, clothed and productive. Even though the Lower Hive is home to the massive fusion plasma generators that provide the entire hive city's power production, the people of the Lower Hive must pay a premium for every watt of power they consume. This means that very few people in the Lower Hive can afford any luxuries. In general, the people of the Lower Hives do their work, raise their families as best they can, seek to keep clear of the machinations of the upper classes, maintain a deep if simple faith in the Emperor and the Imperial Cult and above all are grateful that they do not live in the Underhive.   While the gangs of this city stay largely in the Underhive, The Toxic Hellions have rumored to be dealing with the locals. But these have be unconfirmed, what is confirmed is the traffic of weapons and drugs produced in the Underhive making there way to the upper sections.
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