Cosainach Ethnicity in Highrune | World Anvil
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Their land geography consist of mountains and high heels, the same hills t hey build their forts and castels on, and they are good at defending them with Strong Longbow men. Longbow needs extensive training, buying the best longbow is an honour and a need to have, and they were used mostly to hunt but when needed to defend they came. Longbows have Wild Spirits attached to them to keep to bow from constricting or losing its shape.   This culture believes in standing strong like a mountain, taking any and all hardships that life may throw at them and enduring them all with grim determination and an indomitable spirit. This culture considers conflict and violence to be necessary states of existence; ingrained in its people is the idea that one should stand up and fight for their own.   As their walls never fall, The biggest assult the Cosainach kingdoms fear is intermingling or brining of new cultures and customs to their households. It is the most offensive assult to them, and when they, rarely, bring visitors, they will find it very offensive if asked to praticipate in customes of them.


Major language groups and dialects

Even for a culture who stood still, the effects of other languages could not be stopped. It is the king Carwyn ap Dyfed that brought his own language, Ruinic, when he married Aine the daughter of the legendary king Rihonna, agaisnt her wishes, as she tried to keep her original abhainn ard clean. Runinn (also called ruinic abhainn) would be diverged out of the two clashing cultuers. Toady Abhainn ard is the secound most spoken language, while ruinic is nearly extinct in all of highrune, only spoken by ancestries that lived from when it was used till today.
Runinn is written with runic letters but is used to refer to a lot of borrowed words from low and high abhainn. Some can recognise ruinic latters in Runinn but they can pronouce them.

Culture and cultural heritage

The art and poetry culture of the in the kingdoms of cosainach is as built on, as the bricks and castles that fill the landscape for the cosainachians. Buildings famous castles are part of the natinal pride, and reforged land and monuments on it is a big part of what was left by early cosainachians. The conservation and upkeeping those buildings to shine even in the modren day, is an importent part of life for the cosainachians. They cherish the treasures and relics left by ancestors, and brandish them in their halls.

Shared customary codes and values

Treating the land and your own property with love and care is a must, because even when they fear it, The Cosainachians knows that it all belongs to the land, and it's spirits, they have a saying: “Everything you have in this world is just borrowed for a short time.”

Another one is "At the end of the song comes payment"- every worker deserves compensation.

Average technological level

The Cosainach kingdoms were one of the first to advance in archery from ancient history. They started mining early in their existence and their natural huge copper mines near the edge of their territory helped them craft early bronze tools and reshape the way they work, it would prove vital later as they defend those resources. They also learned masonry and started building castles on hills and walled cities from the early stage of their development. At the start it was all used agaisnt the beings from the otherworld and other monsters, to protect the land, but as kingdoms grew, it started being an arms race bettwen the kingdoms. While this happend, Poetry and stories about great warriors came to life, but mostly about kings and queens who loved having their court be known to all as the best one on the east of Highrune, or even Highrune proper.
It wasnt long before construction for major libraries and schools of poetry and philosophy started.
Engineering for grand waterways and construction of even bigger cities were the major development after the early age.
It was a natural advancment to military engineering and castles, the first castle in highrune, the Dinasoded was constracted in year -182 BTC in the kingdom of Faenarglwy, Nearly 40 years before any other ehtnincity started to work on their own castles.
Today apprenticeship is common, and every major city has a small industrialize zone, yet most of the technology created is militaristic, and the civilian infrastructure is far less advanced then in other places in highrune.

Art & Architecture

Poetry is considered a noble art in this culture, and many spend their time piecing words together with meaning and thought. Bard and storytellers are abadunt in the kingdoms of cosainach, each king has his a couple of bards, but the oral tradition is not the only one. To be remembered through the lens of tales. What is written, and what people call history, matters as much as what the kings do. They know that, and it shows in how they write their stories.
Yet, it is the oral storytelling that is considered most grand, a festival is held each year to find the next cyfarwyddiaid, a storyteller who will spark the bards with their words and might get their stuff written down, and of course, the grand prize of the crown of rowan, a wooden crown held for a year till and passed down by winners in the festival.   Even thouge each petty kingdom has their own colors and banners, the main themes that returns in many of them are; A grey castle, Blue energy or skies and shields or barriers.

Coming of Age Rites

As they age, all genders are trained with the bow. At age 20 most ancestries are condired adults, and so bettwen the age of 18 to 20 they usally start with tasks to achive they adulthood goal. If a person wants to become an apprentice, they will be tasked by the teacher with things as mandane as fatching water from the well, to bizzare such as writing your wishes on paper and burning it. This is called "youth training", and it can also be for house work, for trade, for military or mercenary work, and every craftsmanship under the stars. If a person finds love in the mids of their youth training they are discourged from presuing it until they finish the training.

At age 20 a big celebration is held, and a bakestones with small hidden notes in the middle of them insted of filling are eaten, on the notes are blessings for the future.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Hilmounds and underground catacombs is the most common way of burial. The burid are usually left with coins and other precious material they had to help them find their way back to their kingdom in their reincarnation.
A ritual of sealing of wild spirits to enchantment and mental runes to the items is done to jog the memory of whoever they belonged to when he gets his items back to claim it, and to deter would be graverobbers.

Common Taboos

Selling militistic, technological, or correct geographical information to any other kingdom, even withine the kingdoms of Cosainach is usally punished by death. Selling your sword to the enemy, is of course, also, punished by death. Honorable execution is done by archer squad.

Common Myths and Legends

Many of the legends of the cosainachians are about royality dealing with the otherworld, winning, outsmarting or defeding it. Some of the legends are part true, some are retales of battles on the matirial world, and some are stories told by very imiginitve bards.

Most of the stories consisnt of five themes:
1. Matters of war. 2. Animorphism, and The love intrest as prey or an animal. 3. Crossing waters- as a symbol of change in onself or the world. 4. Impossible tasks done to gain the love or trust of somone. 5. Smart unnatural beings, like a talking severd head, birds that can speak, or spirits with ancient knowledge.   Hags are usually neutral in their villany ways, and most of the time find some reason they were spited to action. It is known from those stories that they are not outright liers, but they hide the full truth or twist one sentence to have a different meaning that benefits them.

It is also known about their spawns, the changlings. The stories mostly find pity and them, and somtimes make them an unlikely hero who kills the mother and unshackle themselves from "the call".


Beauty Ideals

Having long necks, showing of the forehead, a bit of sloping shoulders, a prominent but firm stomach, and big lips are all consired beuatiful as a concept for most of those in the culture.

Courtship Ideals

Hand carved wooden eating utensils are seeing as a very romantic gift, it is also practical. If given in the circles of the rich, it is also embroidered with gems, but the main principle, of making it yourself by hand, is the same. The way to the bed of your loved one is usually hamberd by their family, and so part of the courtship is always to be seen as good hearted and good willed to the family of your partner. Even going as far as helping around the house, as if you were a household member. Most of the time meetings for romantic perseus are done with the pursuer and the puree friend group, and only when trust is built, they get to go to dates alone. They might even ask for help from the familes and their blessings are this stage.

Major organizations

The four biggest churches in the kingdoms, are
the Institute of Law , The The Chapter of Ciar and The Decade of Masters. The first is the one governing in all of the kingdoms, the secound is the one that holds most of the beliefs and day to day practices of the pepole, and the third is a relic of an age when dragons ruled the land wisely and no war was held. It is said that the corrnt kings and queens have dragonblood in them.
The Piebald belief is the most powerful of them all, the idea of protecting and warding agaisnt enemies both from the material plane and the other world is ingrained into all who live in the kingdoms.   The dynastics powers also formed many smaller organizations. Like the Knights of the goose, an army of shield warriors who use runes and glyphs as their weapons, they are called as the first line of defense in every war.
The Silvery Dragoons cropse, their name comes from the shining armor they donn. A half selkie half mixed group of mounted warriors who serve as the cavalry of the kingdom, they are based in Pyrth and Tonn Cathair and are hired by any kingdom who is willing to pay the silver they ask for.
The Order of the Everlasting Barrier is also a individually run group, and the most renowned wild spirit PRO in all of east highrune.
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