Mangungwyrd Profession in Helnia | World Anvil
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A is an entirely undervalued person. It is perhaps one of the more dangerous professions, and one of the less respected. While ever profession has it's purpose, without a those professions would not be as profitable as they are.

Role of a

The main or job associated with a is buying goods straight from artisans and sellings these goods in other settlements, making a profit in the process. There are a few different types of , mainly based on what they sell, and how much of that good they sell.


The wholesaler is a type of who purchases substantial amounts of a product from an artisan, and sells this all to a vendor. By buying and selling in bulk the Wholesale can make vasts amount of money in one the downfall is the caravan requires more horses to draw the cargo, and more es to lead those horses. As a result this type is not easy to get in to and is generally only done by richer .


The specialized deals in very specific products, whether that is certain foods, minerals or rarer goods. The role of the specialized is to source these goods and sell them for the largest price they can. This profession requires significant amounts of tradeskill, and patience, as it can be weeks or months before a is finalized. A specialized is both the most and least rewarding type in this . The pros of this type is that it doesn't require large caravans, even a single drawn cart, or even a backpack will suffice, depending on the size of the goods. The con as previously stated is the time before it is profitable.

Associated Risks and Dangers

The largest risk with becoming a is financial losses, when starting out a single bad run may be the last run. Most new es are living from to . As a result they are relying the market being favorable. Another common risk is thieves and looters, while most thieves aren't dumb enough to lurk common paths as the risk of capture is high, there are some who pray on these paths. While mostly inexperienced and easily scared off by a threat, they can be terrifying for a new . While not all thieves are murderers, there are some who would fight for a large enough cargo.
Financial / Trade
Famous in the Field
Ranks & Titles

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