Elyr Species in Hellverse | World Anvil


The Elyr were pointy eared humanoids with an affinity for magic which resided primarily on Eohora. The two major Ethnic groups were Golden and Silver Elyr and their roles and relationships varied kingdom to kingdom, though traditionally they were known for their animosity towards each other.

Basic Information


The Elyr are generally humanoid with pointed ears. They stand 5 to 6 and half feet tall on average and have a full head of hair. They can grow facial hair. Their skin tones range in the natural tans and browns of Commonkin as well as blues and purples. Their hair and eyes also come in a variety of colors.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elyr have low reproduction rates with ovulation typically only occurring once a year. Elyr infants reach a toddler phase at the age of two then their aging slows and they only leave their toddler phase at ten years of age. Childhood lasts until they are thirty, then puberty hits and they mature into adults by the age of fifty.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most daily meals for the Elyr consist of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish, though they have several cooked recipes, as well. In some eras, venison was extremely popular, as was mead. Baking is extremely rare in Elyr cultures.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elyr typically form three types of social structures and government types. The first is a Theocracy, overseen by a priest, prophet, or a god-king. Notable Elyr theocracies were the Golden and Silver Empires. The second is a council state which is ruled by a council who embody the values of their culture (a mage council or democratic council for example). A notable council state was the Daeh Empire, which was an aristocratic mage council. Finally, the last type of social structure, and the least common, is small, family led communities of up to fifty members. These function similar to communes and are typically nomadic or have close ties with neighboring communities. The Elyr of The Erinth Wood are an example of such communal Elyr.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elyr could be found all across Eohora and legend has it that several sailed to Inuin and settled with the fae.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elyr have a sharper sense of hearing than the commonkin or humans as well as a strong affinity for magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In the Daeh Empire, the empress set the standard for naming children. Children have four names: a close name, a fated name, a number, and a patro/matronymic. A close name is shared with and used only by those close to them (close family, best friends, lovers). A fated name is a name that has to do with the day they were born. If they were born during a harvest festival then they may be called Harvest. If their mother went into labor in a garden then they may be named Rose. A number is also assigned to them based on birth order so a second child has the name "Two". A patro/matronymic is a name based on their parent's name (usually the parent with more public face). In the case of Empress Niathra here are three of her children's full names: Galadra Harvest Fifteen Niathranym, Corithel Rosebud Thirty-Two Niathrathel, or Jesara Dawn Fifty Niathrak. Galadra was born on a harvest festival and was the fifteenth child of Niathra. Corithel was the 32nd child of Niathra and she went into labor when viewing her garden. Jesara was the 50th child of Niathra and born at dawn.

Gender Ideals

For Elyr in theocracies or council states, gender roles and ideals are typically very defines. Gender will often be assigned at birth but expectance to follow assignment varies from location and era.    For Elyr in small communal groups, gender is not determined until puberty and gender ideals are relatively undefined.

Courtship Ideals

Elyr in larger societies tend to have very formal courtship rituals and expectations. If you are courting with the intent of marriage, your goal should be to appear marriable. Display your assets through gift giving, prove you are in good health with lively outings, introduce your family as evidence of a good upbringing.    Elyr in communal groups tend to be more lax with courtship practices as they widely practice polyamory. Instead, pairs who are interested in each other will seek out activities or tasks to do together as a means to bond and grow closer. This can be leisurely or sharing chores.

Relationship Ideals

Elyr in large scale societies value public face so romance and love will sometimes take a back seat to functioning and "appropriate" relationships.   Communal Elyr on the other hand are polyamorous and relationships are formed solely on personal connections and intertest in each other. Marriage as a concept does not exist either. If two Elyr become mononamous, that is between them and does not need to be legally or socially advocated for.

Average Technological Level

Technology varies greatly for Elyr. Those of the Golden Empire had advanced magi-tech, while the Elyr of The Erinth Wood used only technology needed to survive in the wild.

Historical Figures

Important and notable characters include:
  • Inoth of Drotas
Average Height
Average Weight
100-250 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities