Shovrogs Legend Myth in Heliodarna | World Anvil
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Shovrogs Legend

Khan Shovrog the Bold, was born into the life of a simple shepard among the tribe, he spent 3 or 4 years tending the flocks, however through a harrowing experience he would soon be more than just a shepard.


As the tribe moved closer to the border the warriors of the tribe were rejoicing and drinking celebrating a successful raid on the Grecians when a Grecian retaliation raid sprung upon them, 100 Grecians Spearmen poured into the camp slaughtering the drunken warriors where they stood, attempting to kill all in there path, a few warriors managed to grab weapons and fend them off for a few minutes but quickly fell. As the legends tells, Shovrog rode in from the hill where his sheep were and shouted at the women and children to run for the hills behind him, as he pulled out his his mighty bow and shot the Grecians while riding his horse at full speed in circles around the village. Each and every arrow hit its mark as he rode through the village shooting them down. It was a bloodbath. In the end, 33 women and children survived and 2 men. After the vicious attack, Shovrog was the one of two men left standing in the village, having defended most of the women and children he could as they ran for the safety of the hills, the old Khan Novar lay dead with a Grecian spear through his stomach. Shovrog became a Khan that day and a Legend among the other horse lords of Hungola.

Historical Basis

Shovrog is currently (19AR) alive and kicking in the lands of Hungola, the other older female members and single surviving human male of the tribe will all admit it is how he became Khan.


The legend is known throughout Hungola by almost every tribe in the northern Provinces.

Variations & Mutation

Some legends, say that he slew numbers up to 300 Grecians by himself by horseback just pulling arrow after arrow out of a magical quiver.

In Literature

There are small written reports of the attack on the tribe and Shovrogs bravery defending the tribe in Khatai

In Art

There are songs of the legend sung by a few bards on the Khatai region of Hungola.
Date of First Recording
The first recording of the event was in 5BR
Date of Setting

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