Jarl Tanra Character in Heliodarna | World Anvil
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Jarl Tanra

Tanra was the most trusted friend of the previous Jarl, he was his second, the man he would put in charge when he went away. Jarl Unfrid grew complacent in the years following the end of the Orc wars and Tanra saw the weak man he had become and he took his opportunity. Unfrid had lost his wife and daughter returning to the Valkyries, he lost his Son as a Ward to Jarl Gudrun and so Tanra waited, waited until Unfrid had become dull like an unused blade. Tanra challenged him in front of the whole of Hyrind to holmgang, Unfrid agreed and the two fought there and then. It was clear as soon as the fight started that Tanra was soon to be the victor, Unfrid was slow and unpractised. Unfrid begged for mercy as he lay injured in front Tanra but Tanra was not feeling merciful.   Tanra completed his path to Jarldom when he spared Unfrids life only to blood eagle him the very same evening, Unfrid regained some honour by making no show of weakness through the ritual sacrifice. Tanra was now Jarl and he planned to regain the strength the most Northern Jarldom had during the Orc wars. He began to defy Gudrun's demands and increase his army, he made deals with the Metrusians and his army grew. Rumours speak of a planned attack on Gudrun but they also speak of hunts in the mountains for the Orcs.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Tanra wears standard Shieldite armour but wields Unfrid's old sword, a sword made of the metal Skyrite
Current Location
Year of Birth
18 BR 37 Years old
Dark Brown
Dirty Blonde

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