Aloise Character in Heliodarna | World Anvil
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Aloïse grew up in a small village close by the sea. She was born as a 6thchild following up on three brothers and two sisters. This meant that there was no set path for her. Her parents had more help for their farm than they had land to work on and since they where just farmers no need to marry anyone off. But this also meant that they had barely enough land to feed all of their children and sell the rest of the harvest to buy things like clothes. So when the rest of the children grew older they needed to find another way of making money. Aloïse didn’t find a job, To be honest she didn’t even look properly. She just heard about so many of the villagers who never went farther then the next village. Se didn’t want to be one of them, and if solitude didn’t fit her she knew that she could always return. So she left. She didn’t regret it.   After two years of wandering she learned basic survival skills. Some by trial and error and some by helping random people she met. They taught her what they new of herbs, of hunting and sometimes even gave her some money after she worked a few days for them. Some weeks she spend in city’s some on the roads. She liked both of them as long as she knew she could leave at any moment. But there is an end to all good things. She was helping some random fishers she met when a storm broke loos and hit their ship. She hurt her arm badly and didn’t know where she was. After stumbling around for a few days in a direction she hoped would bring her to civilization her arm got more and more infected until she collapsed at the forest side. Here she was found by one of their inhabitants.   The inhabitants of the forest had a gigantic respect for nature and everything that lived, and for her savior Humans where included in that. They where planning on letting her stay until she was healed but quickly got attached to her. They liked how she respected their believes and though she made some mistakes she quickly learned from them and really showed remorse. The forest inhabitants decided that she could stay. That’s where she learned her about the gods Silvanus, Eldath and the likes. But she very quickly took an interest in Mielikki, goddess of the forest and became one of her paladins. She took years to learn all the skills that being a paladin took. Though the forest was big she still felt like she needed to move again since she stayed here the longest she had ever been since her youth and was craving to move again. So began her move, now with a new arsenal of skills and believes and for the first time in her life the desire to return to a place she has been before.
Current Location
Year of Birth
6 BR 25 Years old

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