Xykon the Magnificent Character in Heart of Darkness Multiverse | World Anvil
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Xykon the Magnificent

"What? They weren't going to use their souls for anything anyways. Plus, they'll make fantastic lights for my reading room--you can never go wrong with a little extra Soulfire."
    An ancient, powerful lich with a keen interest in interior decorating

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Fine jewelry and robes, an assortment of specialized magic items

Mental characteristics


Trained under Archmage Alton Ambrosius and taught necromancy to students for many years. He believed firmly that the value of magic lies in its usefulness and how it's applied, not in some judgment of its overall morality

Failures & Embarrassments

Sally Toestealer kidnapped three of his finest students and held them for ransom. He only rescued one in time--the other two were eaten.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes: Decorating, necromancy, chatting with other people (alive or dead)
  • Dislikes: Aberrations, divine magic, the color orange
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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