Chromatic Dragons Species in Gullonde | World Anvil
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Chromatic Dragons

Dragons in Gullonde

Dragons are an ancient beast dating back before any bipedal mammals existed on Gullonde. Their herpetology is very unique when compared to similar reptiles except for that of lizardfolk. Dragons possess enormous strength, breath attacks, potent magic, and superb intelligence and cunning. This ledger should help to explain some of the differences and will only cover chromatic dragons as metallic dragons are very rare and secretive beings on their own.

General Attributes
After a dragon becomes fertilized it takes between 30-120 days for the eggs to be laid safely. Where they are laid ranges depending on the dragons type and will be explained in the other parts of this ledger. Eggs typically take 200-800 days to hatch depending on genetics, temperature, and general health of the mother upon being laid. Some mother dragons fiercely protect their eggs while others may lay them at random and leave them to fend for themselves. It depends on the personality of the dragon and the type. Dragons that do not fully develop, hatch as what are called kobold, dragonkin, or drakota. Kobold are the least developed and mainly have the scales and reptilian attributes of a dragon, yet remain bipedal. Dragonkin have small wings and much more body mass, making them stronger but can only manage short bursts of flight as well as being bipedal. They possess a tiny breath attack. Dragonkin can breathe fire to a limited extent. Drakota are the elite among not fully developed dragons and have full fledged wings, all of their body mass for their height, and nearly the same capability of a dragon’s breath. A fully hatched dragon is a rare occurrence and is of major importance to almost all chromatic dragons. The age range of dragons is estimated roughly in the table below:

Blue Dragons
     Blue Dragons, also known as storm dragons, are the most vain and arrogant of all the chromatic dragons. They take great pleasure in exerting their power over the lesser races, especially their own kin. For example a blue dragon may ignore a direct insult, but an insult implying the dragon is weak or inferior in any way would draw the dragons full wrath.
      Blue Dragons grow very steadily compared to their different colored cousins and have very consistent patterning and coloration only ranging in the brilliance of their scales--from a dull blue to a shiny metallic blue color. They have a horn atop their snout much like a unicorn that is the main thing that greatly varies from blue dragon to blue dragon. Blue dragons tend to make their lairs in places of extreme weather or strong magical presence such as a magical vault or place with a lot of magical enchantments or items.
      Blue dragons are excellent at aerial combat and have a beam of powerful lightning for a breath attack. They may also burrow and ambush prey much larger than themselves, typically in the deserts of Tekor. They also possess the ability to unleash a massive burst of lightning from their body in order to paralyze foes around them.      Blue dragons are excellent parents and typically keep very small followings out of their own contempt. They will raise a wyrmling with close attention and encourage to live up to their progenitors standards. Blue dragon eggs must incubate in warm sand or warm dry soil in order to hatch.

Black Dragons
     Black Dragons, also known as Marsh Beasts or Marsh Dragons, are by far the most primitive and savage dragons. They are usually reclusive and choose to nest in secluded or less-traveled areas. They prefer warm, humid places. They will usually annihilate any surrounding creatures to reduce the amount of threats to them, unless the surrounding creatures are easy fodder and no threat to the dragon. Black Dragons do not grow very quickly and tend not to be very large until a much older age. Their body tends to be very lean and slender. They almost always have horns that sprout from the sides of their head and curl before pointing forwards.
Their outer scales range from dark green to black to a blackish color with a bright purple sheen. Their scales are almost always very slick and shiny to the light like something made of latex. Their teeth are much like a piranha’s. They have very sharp claws for digging in moist soil and webbed claws.      Black Dragons prefer to surprise or ambush their prey/enemies and prefer to do so in an aquatic environment or in muddy places with lots of vegetation. They have a breath attack that is a line of acidic bile, melting everything, including hard, resilient metals. They don’t tend to fly very much in combat and like to use their environment to bog down their enemies.
     Black Dragons are fierce lovers and often times females will fight to win the favor of their male partner, often fighting to the death in order to mate. Female Blacks Dragons will lay their eggs in acidic pools or deep water in order to camouflage them from outsiders. Black Dragon eggs must incubate in warm, acidic water or soil.

Green Dragons

      Green Dragons would be best described as the 'schemers' of dragonkind. They particularly enjoy subverting foes they deem weaker and will seek out and steal whatever secrets and treasure they might have. They would be the antithesis of a silver dragon who seeks to secretly protect nearby beings of good stature. They love to hide and ambush their enemies when they least expect it. Green Dragons have a natural affinity to corrupting and despoiling elves and fae creatures. They often will take the form of an elf or fae creature to hide amongst them or to hide from their enemies.
     Green Dragons are easy to identify as they have a fin that starts between their eyes and follows their spine where it tapers to be smaller near the tail. This fin looks much like the fin of a Spinosaurus but is much more shallow to the body. They have green scales that have a shiny waxy green scales that vary in saturation. They have a narrow snout and a long forked tongue. They prefer humid, boreal forests or lush forests with many varied plant life. Their breath weapon is a far more dangerous weapon than their black dragon counterpart. It emits a torrential cloud of chlorine gas that lingers in the air. It will melt and burn flesh, leaving creatures engulfed in it as skeletons with goo clung to them.
     Green Dragons typically stay together to raise their young and then seperate and repeat the process. Green Dragons do not like to leave their eggs in the open and do not like to actively protect them and are usually hidden in brush or other plant life. Green Dragons love to spend time in their humanoid form but still tend to spend most of their time in varied lush environments.
White Dragons

White Dragons possess far less intellect than their dragon counterparts but have by far the best factual memory of most living beings. This memory is mostly based on hard fact. Their intelligence is like that of the average human but lacks things like mathematics or specific trains of thought. Thus so they are by far the best hunters and pathfinders of all dragon kind. They are vicious and will never forget a slight. They may be smaller and more stunted than other chromatic dragons but they possess far more agility and physical prowess than other dragons that is only enhanced by their breath weapon and natural habitat. Their breath weapon is a force to be reckoned with and can freeze creatures and objects solid, leaving them vulnerable to the dragon, especially since White Dragons prefer their food extremely cold or frozen.
     White Dragons have very sleek bodies that flow like mercury. When young their scales are clear like clean ice and harden into a white or bluish hue as they enter adulthood. They have a singular vertical fin that sticks from the pinnacle of their head. They prefer extremely cold climates or solid ice. They will even turn glaciers or mountains into lairs with their breath weapon, completely encasing them in ice. These lairs are by far the most complex of all non-magical lairs among chromatic dragons. Their breath weapon is typically able to penetrate the natural resistances and immunities of creatures that do not possess the ice type. White Dragons also prefer to hunt in cold oceans and make easy prey of whales and other large sea creatures like sharks. They use their breath weapon to stun the underwater creatures and then gorge themselves on what they please. White Dragons are the smallest and weakest physically of all chromatic dragons but possess great agility and speed. They are the only chromatic dragon that is able to hover at adult age and higher.
     White Dragons remember every piece of treasure in their hoards and where they got them and often encase the treasure and the containers in solid, clear, ice. White Dragons will often times hunt together but do not waste their time raising their young once they hatch from their eggs as White Dragons typically have no problem finding a nearby meal. White Dragons rarely enter their humanoid form and are nigh impossible to be bribed or reasoned with. They will never forgive a creature who slighted them and will wreak terrible vengeance on their behalf.
Bahamut, the Platinum King
Bahamut is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons. He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons.
After Tiamat's destruction by Bahamut, the chromatic dragons found on the planes of Alocia(Gullonde and Varthea) were cut off from their celestial body. They took drastic action to breed as much as possible. They often take the form of the different citizens of Gullonde and hide in plain sight. Some chromatic dragons have even turned on their own in order to live a life of good. One such example is Sorian Griswald, a black dragon who originally meddled in the human affairs of Munadin around -250 to -190 BP. He turned on Alsaziar and aided a group of heroes which eventually led to Alsaziar's undoing.
Polychromatic Dragons in Alocia
Species | Nov 14, 2023

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